WORTHY Read Free Page B

Book: WORTHY Read Free
Author: Evie Matthews
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thinking too much, which she was prone to doing.
    Caitlin blushed. It’s true she had never been with a man. She sometimes wondered what it’d be like to be kissed passionately and to surrender to a man in wild abandon just like in the movies. But she was far too busy with her family to simply hang out and get to know the opposite sex.
    Caitlin inhaled deeply. She knew she had to do it. It’s the only way. Forcing her reservations aside, she tried to focus on what she needed to do.
    “Okay, I’ll do it, but promise me you will not tell a living soul about this, and we will never speak of this after. Promise me, Susie.” Caitlin implored.
    “Of course. You know you don’t have to ask me that. You’re like my sister.” Shannon reassured, reaching out to squeeze Caitlin’s hand. “So, it’s a done deal then? I’ll contact Nick later today.”
    Shannon’s words sealed her fate.

    Chapter Five
    Saturday. Nick’s best friend Sebastian’s birthday is on Saturday. That’s just a day away. In a way, Caitlin was glad it’s sooner than later so she doesn’t have to torture herself thinking and dreading the coming day.
    Caitlin tried not to think too much about it. But despite herself, she found herself tossing and turning, trying to envision how everything will play out. Every still time, she feels a vise gripping her throat
    She had already told her mother she can come up with ten grand this weekend. That’s the five grand from the ‘weekend gig,’ plus her own savings and Shannon’s savings. She simply made up a story about borrowing the money from friends, which is a half-truth since she is borrowing a fraction of the money from Shannon.
    Her mom would keel over if she knew the truth. But they will never know anything about it. She’s confident her secret is safe with Shannon.
    So this is how it feels. Desperation. She could taste it in her mouth. She felt like she was suffocating whenever she allowed herself to think too much about it.
    “Just do it. Don’t think, just get it over with, get the money and walk away. This is the only way. You have to do it.” This has been Caitlin’s mantra since she agreed.
    She would just have to fake it to get through it. How would Shannon act if she were in her shoes? With a little imagination, she may just pull this off.
    As if on cue, Caitlin’s phone rang, Shannon on the other line.
    “Yup…what is it?” Caitlin sounded tense.
    “Why Katie I’m fine, thanks for asking. Anyway, I’m calling to tell you we need to meet up an hour before our shift at the restaurant so we can talk about the details. Nick will also swing by to deliver the five grand.” Shannon chirped her tone nonchalant as if she is just talking about the weather.
    “Oh, all right. I’ll meet you at Pop’s then?” Caitlin asked.
    “Yep, 5PM. And oh Katie, loosen up a bit, will you? Play the part—put on some makeup and wear something…a little more revealing than your usual.” Shannon reminded.
    It took Caitlin several seconds to respond. “O-okay. I’ll try my best.”
    * * * *
    What to wear, what to wear…? Caitlin never really paid much attention to her choice of clothes. As she was going through her wardrobe, she started panicking… ”I don’t have anything girly enough.” She made a mental note to ask Shannon to lend her some clothes for Saturday.
    Oh gosh! That’s tomorrow! Caitlin had to brace herself using the side of the closet for support. She looked up and stared straight at her reflection in the mirror. Her blue eyes were large as saucers, filled with panic, like that proverbial deer in the headlights.
    “Breathe in, breathe out. C’mon Caitlin, you can do this.” Caitlin muttered.
    She went back to foraging through her closet and settled on a little black dress her mother had bought for her birthday last year that she’d never worn. In fact, she’d forgotten all about it and found the dress hidden at the back of her closet.
    The dress was a simple

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