The Stranger Beside You

The Stranger Beside You Read Free

Book: The Stranger Beside You Read Free
Author: William Casey Moreton
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Mystery
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    “I needed a friend.”
    “They won’t let her in.”
    “Okay…whatever.  There are still agents at the house.”
    “What have you told them?”
    “Nothing.  What would I say?”
    “Have they let you see Tom?”
    “Yeah, he’s fine.”
    I felt a small relief.
    “See you in a minute,” I said, and closed my cell.
    Sadie sped through an intersection and parked on the street at Federal Plaza.  We entered the big glass doors at the entrance and the guy at the desk made a call.  A couple of minutes later an elevator opened and Clive stepped out.  His hair was still wet from the shower.  He was tall and lean and looked very Italian.
    “Please tell me something positive,” I said, struggling to keep it together.
    He was calm but told Sadie to wait in the lobby as he ushered me into the elevator.
    “They have him on murder one,” Clive said as soon as the door closed.
    “That’s impossible.  You told them that’s impossible, right?”
    “They have a dead federal agent, and they say they have tons of evidence linking Tom to the murder.”
    His words rattled me.  Coming from Clive, the accusation carried significant gravitas.  What I had wanted was for him to hug me and laugh and say he had talked to them and everyone finally realized what a silly, embarrassing misunderstanding this had all been.  I needed to sit down, and even more than that I needed to vomit.  I felt nauseous.
    The door opened and Clive led me through a corridor.  I recognized Special Agent Price and he escorted us into the room where they were holding my husband.  Tom was handcuffed and seated in a folding chair at a table.  I rushed to him and kissed him on the mouth. 
    “Have they hurt you?” I asked.
    Clive and I sat facing him.  It was a struggle to hold back my tears.  We spoke in hushed tones.
    “Tell them you had nothing to do with that murder,” I pleaded.
    Tom looked dazed. 
    “First thing we need to do is post bail and get him out of here,” Clive said. 
    “How soon?”
    “I hope to get a bond hearing in a few hours.  The judge may view Tom as a flight risk, in which case they will want to keep him under lock and key.”
    Tom said nothing.
    I stared into his eyes.  I wanted to protect him, to wrap my arms around him and shield him from those men with badges and guns, but all I could do was sit across the table and slowly fill with fear. 
    The door opened and Chapman came in with a folder of papers under one arm and a cup of coffee.  Price stood at the door and glared at us. 
    “Mrs. Nelson, I’m going to ask you to wait in another room.  We have a few questions we’d like to ask you.”
    I shook my head. 
    “I’m not leaving my husband.”
    “I’m afraid you have no choice.  Your husband is under arrest and will remain in our custody until a judge says otherwise.”  Chapman could barely mask a smirk.
    I wanted to slap him.  “My husband is innocent.”
    “He’ll get his day in court.”
    “Whatever you think he did, you’re wrong!”
    “I would suggest, Mrs. Nelson, that you go with Special Agent Price.  He has a few questions, and then you are free to go.”
    I could feel the panic rising.  The room started to spin.  I stared hard at Chapman then glanced up at Price waiting at the door.  I pleaded with my eyes for Tom to say something, anything , but he remained silent.  Perhaps that was best.  Perhaps Clive had coached him and told him to keep his mouth shut. 
    I stood up and walked around the table toward the door.  Price waited.  Clive pulled Chapman aside for a quick word.  I stood beside Tom for a long moment.
    “I won’t sleep until you’re home,” I said.
    He simply stared ahead at the wall of two-way glass.  We all knew there was someone behind there watching, observing, and recording every word for later use.
    I touched his hair and kissed him.  He sat rigid.
    “I love you,” I said.
    No response.
    “Please talk to

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