WORTHY Read Free Page A

Book: WORTHY Read Free
Author: Evie Matthews
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    “Not really. I long ago stopped trying to keep up with who’s who and who’s the latest.” Caitlin teased, Shannon rolled her eyes in response.
    “Nah, you just have a very short attention span.” Shannon retorted. “Anyway, I’m referring to Nick. He’s one of the filthy rich and popular guys in the campus. We occasionally see each other at this bar at I frequent and hook up every once in a while.” Shannon grinned, her eyebrows moving up and down, looking totally obnoxious.
    Caitlin tried to act nonchalant but could not stop the blush creeping up to her cheeks. Shannon let out a loud laugh, which echoed across the diner. Apart from the two of them, there were only two customers a few tables away.
    “So anyway, Nick is planning to pull a birthday surprise for his best friend, what’s-his-name. And…” Shannon looked at Caitlin intently.
    “And…?” Caitlin could feel the butterflies in her stomach.
    “And Nick is willing to pay five grand for a night of performance, and another five grand if you are able to seduce the guy and pull him out of his depression.” Shannon let out a nervous laugh. She was looking closely at Caitlin, trying to gauge her reaction.
    Try as she might, Caitlin could not stop herself. Her eyes bulged out and her jaw dropped ever so slightly. She was literally stunned at the words spilling out of Shannon’s mouth.
    “Of course, I immediately thought of you. I showed him your picture and we both agreed you are the perfect girl for the job since he did not want to hire a slut off the street. Apparently, his best friend has a thing for blondes.” Shannon continued, biting back a laugh. She silently wished she had a camera with her and snap a photo of Caitlin’s face. It’s definitely one for the books!
    “Katie?” Shannon snapped her fingers twice.
    “Am I getting this correctly? Are you telling me to sleep with the guy and get ten grand in return? Like…like playing a high class hooker for a night?” Caitlin slowly rolled out the words as if talking to a 3-year-old child or someone with a comprehension problem.
    “Uhhmmn… yes, that’s basically it.” Shannon grinning from ear to ear. She thought it was prudent to let the idea sink in and allow Caitlin time to get used to it.
    Several minutes passed. The silence was only interrupted when the waitress delivered Caitlin’s coffee.
    “C’mon Katie. Where else can you earn five grand working for a few hours? And besides, you don’t have to go all the way…” Shannon explained.
    Caitlin’s head snapped up. “What do you mean? I don’t have to have sex with him?” Her eyes hopeful.
    “Well, Nick is basically looking for someone to seduce the guy. Just a sexy lap dance for his birthday, just you and him in the room. If the dance does lead to something else, then that’s another five grand. I know you can dance, not the sexy way but I can teach you.” Shannon explained.
    “What if I get cold feet?” Caitlin asked, still not fully absorbing the idea.
    “It was you who said you are willing to do anything for your brother, remember? Then you just have to focus on the reason for all this. C’mon, to be honest with you, if I haven’t thought of you, I’d jumped at this opportunity even if I’m not desperate for cash. ten grand is ten grand.” Shannon asserted.
    “Besides, if you are not comfortable, you can just perform then leave. End of story. You never have to see him again.” Shannon’s words are slowly knocking away Caitlin’s resistance.
    “Did you tell Nick I’ve never been with a man?” Caitlin asked in a small voice.
    “Hell no! That would freak the living daylights out of him! I don’t mean to offend you Katie, but you must be the only living and breathing 20-year-old virgin in the state of New Jersey right now, or the entire United States for that matter. The way I see it, the guy will be doing you a favor!” Shannon knew she sounded abrasive, but she wanted to stop Caitlin from

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