WORTHY Read Free

Book: WORTHY Read Free
Author: Evie Matthews
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I’ve saved up three grand for next semester. But, yeah. I’ve been wracking my brain for ideas. Right now, I’m just about ready to try anything.” Caitlin said, her voice revealing a hint of desperation.
    After a minute of silence…
    “Hey, I can loan you two grand. It’s not much but it’s yours if you want it.”
    Caitlin started to come up with a refusal.
    “—And before you start turning down my help, I am not doing this for you. I am doing this for my old buddy Caleb, you hear? So let’s skip the nonsense. A simple thank you will do.” Shannon said, her tone quite familiar. It’s the tone she often used when she would not take no for an answer.
    Tears started to well up Caitlin’s beautiful blue eyes. “Thank you, Susie.” Caitlin threw her arms around Shannon to hug her.
    “Hey, hey… It’s going to be all right. We’ll try to come up with the remaining amount. Don’t go calling me Susie now, the guys may hear and my reputation will be ruined beyond redemption.” Shannon comforted Caitlin with her own brand of humor.

    Chapter Four
    The persistent ringing of the phone slowly penetrated Caitlin’s consciousness. Disoriented, her sleep fogged brain tried to locate the source of the annoying sound. With eyes still closed, Caitlin’s hands reached out to retrieve her cell phone from her jacket, which had fallen on the floor, below her bed.
    She was just supposed to take a quick shower and get fresh clothes before heading back to the hospital. But exhaustion had finally caught up with her.
    “How long have I been asleep?” Caitlin thought. She felt so weak, she could barely move the rest of her body. A quick glance at the clock on her mobile phone revealed she had slept for 5 hours.
    17 missed calls—all from Shannon.
    These days, with her brother in the hospital, a phone call often brings some trepidation. What could be so important Shannon had to call her incessantly at the wee hours of the morning?
    Pressing the return call button, Shannon answered halfway through the second ring.
    “Katie! Thank God, I’ve been trying to call you for ages!” Shannon’s voice seemed so loud, trying to talk above the music pumping in the background.
    Caitlin chuckled softly, trust Shannon to exaggerate. “What’s the matter? Where are you?” Caitlin tried to speak louder so Shannon can hear her on the other end.
    “I may have the perfect solution to your problem! We need to meet up!” Shannon’s excited voice erased the last traces of sleep.
    Sitting up, mind alert, “You better make sure this is not one of your pranks, Susie.” Caitlin warned, her excitement welling up. Despite her carefree nature, Shannon would never pull anything this stupid, but Caitlin just had to make sure. It sounded too good to be true.
    “What? No! Of course not! Can you meet me up at The Brew in say, 30 minutes? I need a strong cup of coffee to sober me up.” Shannon said, her excitement did not wane.
    “All right, all right. I’ll meet you there. And Susie, whatever the solution is, thank you.” Caitlin said with a rush of emotions.
    “Haha, thank me after you hear the deets.” Shannon chuckled.
    * * * *
    Shannon was already at the coffee shop when Caitlin arrived, her hands around a steaming cup of coffee. Caitlin made her way towards the back section and took a seat across from Shannon.
    “I ordered you a cappuccino.” Shannon said, her mood surprisingly somber.
    “Thanks, Susie. So where have you been?” Despite her excitement, Caitlin tried to control the urge to pounce Shannon for answers.
    “Listen, Katie. I initially thought it was a brilliant idea. For me, it’s the perfect solution. But when I thought about it and you…” Shannon heaved a deep sigh.
    “Susie, you’re killing me with suspense. Out with it!” Caitlin let out a nervous laugh.
    Shannon leaned forward and started to talk in a hushed tone. “Well, remember the guy I occasionally hang out with at the bar? The one from

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