swollen and sore and your dick is shooting blanks from cumming so much. It doesn’t matter. It’s a soul exchange, and it’s important, and not to be taken lightly. But I’ve never advocated men humping like rabbits from woman to woman. Some men believe we weren’t created to be monogamous. Bullshit! Our genetics shows otherwise. We have only one dick.
That one dick can only be inside one person at a time, and in that space in time, the universe is aligned in a way that’ll never be identical again. You can’t share that time and space with someone else. The argument is used also for polygamy – some say that it’s natural because women outnumber men. Again, bullshit – the dick is divinely designed for procreation.
There have to be more wombs available to ensure that the human race doesn’t die out. This is another reason why women are fatter than we are and lose weight more slowly than we do. Their bodies are programmed to carry babies, and babies need nourishment while in the womb, so if the woman is unable to eat for a few days, her baby can survive. Men don’t need that. You can look right at nature, at our hardwiring, and find all the answers you need about what we are and aren’t supposed to be doing. One man can impregnate fifty women in the same week, but a woman can only become pregnant once at a time. She has to wait nine months to bring that baby forth, and then typically another month after that, until another egg is ready, so it takes her almost a year to bring one human being into the world – or two in the case of twins – and so on and so forth.
I have absolutely no problem with polygamy. Let me get that straight right now. My issue is when I’m told it’s natural, over monogamy, because I know it isn’t true. I’m a sex therapist by trade – a scientist. I went to medical school, and I’m a sex lecturer. I have the experience to know about these things. Polygamy isn’t unnatural, but it doesn’t trump monogamy. They’re two different solutions to one’s love life and spiritual connections. One thing that’ll stand you apart from your competitor, the Black male, is to offer monogamy, faithful monogamy, Gentlemen. Women don’t want to share a man, and I guarantee you, that for many women involved in polygamous relationships, if they were allowed to have that man all to themselves, if he’d sincerely offer, they’d jump at the chance. That’s why you must stand out from the crowd and be different from your competition.
From the time you and she are established as serious, you must cease all sexual and romantic activities with other women. This will make you more desirable right out of the gate. This is one of my most important points. If you remember nothing else, I need you to remember that this is serious business, and you’re up against a very worthy opponent. He’ll use tricks, games, lies, and scheming to get you to leave his women alone. He sees you as a threat, and this next word of caution is strictly for the white men in this auditorium. You’re in far more danger than the rest of us, when you seek Black women as lovers and wives. White men, you’re the scapegoat for what your ancestors did to a nation of people. Your mere presence causes anxiety, anger, and fear. That’s part of the reason you’re met with so much resentment, even to this day. Interestingly enough, some Black men who despise you have no problem fucking white women, impregnating them, and leaving their biracial children fatherless and destitute. Such behavior isn’t far from that committed by the white slave masters against the ‘Black queen;’ however, Black men believe they have the right to behave badly because of all the suffering their ancestors experienced.
White men, you also represent power, wealth, and control – what all men want. The white man has the bulk of it across the world. We already know this, and there’s no need for us to sit here and play nicey-nice. You’ve also
Martin A. Gosch, Richard Hammer