systematically abused your power. You create mayhem, and you do it in the name of greed. The European culture is corrupt. This is one of the reasons why I say we’re hybrids. You’re hard-wired to conquer. The African race is hard-wired to see things collectively, not individually. But this view among Black men has changed, due to European influence. Black men now lust after what you have, white men. You’ve violated them and changed them into monsters, just like you. I don’t apologize for saying this shit to you. It’s the truth, and you need to embrace truth before you can ever be with a Black woman, because she and your future children will live with the consequences. I don’t care if you didn’t personally drill for oil, steal gold, rape, and pillage – your bloodline is still responsible. You have what other men want, and if you go after the one thing Black men have relied on, no matter how much he’s abused her, then you’re starting a war. A white boy just got killed the other day for walking hand-in-hand with his Black girlfriend after their prom. We’re in a war. Don’t get into this if you don’t have the stomach for it. Go find you a white woman and live your life. I reiterate – one thing the Black man always had was his woman. Then he left her, gentlemen.”
Saint took another sip of water.
“He left her all alone to fend for herself and nurse her broken heart. He left her penniless, with no roof over her head and children he no longer acknowledged. Then she did what she had to – take care of herself and those children. She went into survival mode, and when that man wanted to come back home, he told her she was too aggressive, trying to run him. He said she didn’t appreciate him, that she was a whore and much worse to try to beat her back into submission. She had to be hard and aggressive!”
Saint slammed his fist on the podium.
“She was alone! I’m not a male chauvinist, though I’m often called one, but I strongly believe that a woman needs a man, regardless of her race, career success, and world view. Men, you’re supposed to be her provider, protector, lover, and best friend. We were designed to be with one another. Our union is necessary to create life, and apart from one another, we only create death.”
Applause erupted.
“As most of you know, and my constituents can attest to, your choice of sexual partner tells more about you, spiritually, than anything else. To whom you’re attracted and mate with tells the world where you are, as far as your spiritual health. For instance, men who rape children are sick, as are men who rape grown women or have sex with animals. They’re spiritually dead. When you stick your dick in a woman’s pussy, you’re connected for life. You’re taking from her, and she’s taking from you; the only difference is, you leave more behind. Whoever puts his hand inside the cookie jar leaves evidence – his DNA. Your hand brushed up against the side of the jar when you picked up the cookie. Some microscopic crumbs fell. Your DNA is on those as well. You’ve left fingerprints, DNA, and germs. That’s why I never eat those cookie samples at the grocery store.”
More laughter erupted.
“Why do you think most women are so emotional? Why do they get clingy after sex? They’re designed that way! You’ve gone inside her and taken something she can never get back. That cookie is gone forever. You ate it. It’s in your body now. She has to remain close to you in order to continue to feel complete. Every man she sleeps with steals from her. She, too, must choose wisely, because she loses more than we do. Every thrust your dick makes inside of her forges a path. Her chakras are affected. Her spirit is affected. Her chemistry is affected. You alter how she tastes and smells. You may even alter the way she walks if you’re doing it right.”
The audience hooted.
“Her emotions are affected. When she has an orgasm, she’s tied to you in another