Then she gave Marcus a quick kiss and started walking toward the kitchen.
LUNCH SMELLED wonderful as always. Amie was an excellent cook and always provided meals that would rival those prepared by world class chefs. She appeared to be cooking a huge pot of red beans, sausage and rice along with some fresh baked bread.
"Oh my God, Amie," Lola enthused. "This smells amazing! I can't wait to eat!"
"You always say that, Ms. Lola," Amie smiled. "I'm just so glad that you like my cooking."
"Surely, you can tell how much I love your cooking. I think I've put on about five pounds since you and Hudson joined us here at the castle."
"Now, Ms. Lola, you know you could stand to gain a few pounds. Ain't gonna hurt you none."
They talked about the meal and Lola sampled a piece of the freshly baked bread by adding a dollop of butter. Amie laughed as Lola oohed and ahhed over it. If she had not been waiting for her husband, she would be filling herself up because everything was just so delicious. She had expected Marcus to join her by now, but he still had not returned from his private conversation with Adair.
Then she frowned. What was keeping him? Why was he taking so long?
And again, that suspicious feeling.
Lola dropped her unfinished bread and brushed the crumbs from her hands.
"You know, Amie, I think I'm going to go break up that little meeting right now. I don't trust that woman and the longer she's alone with him, the less I like it. I'll be right back, with Marcus."
Amie promptly nodded and Lola left.
ADAIR LOOKED longingly at the King now lying on the sofa unconscious from what she had put in his drink. It was a concoction with a spell her Master had worked on. Although she knew that at the moment, her loyalties lay with her Master, she could not help but feel tempted to take her fill of the handsome, muscled King Marcus.
If this has been the thirteenth century, she would be on his lap right now riding him to oblivion. Her blood raced through her veins at the thought of that bulging manhood inserted in her pleasure slit.
She moaned as she imagined how that would feel like. She could not help herself anymore.
No one's here, and Marcus wouldn't even know, since he's in whatever land the Master has sent him to.
Chapter Six
GREEDILY, Adair got near the unconscious man and kneeled between his knees, then eagerly unbuttoned his fly and took his thick cock out of its confinement.
At her touch, the member started to get hard and thicken. Adair was delighted. She did not think that it would get any thicker or larger. But she now had in her hand the biggest, thickest cock she had ever held.
And she had held many.
It's bigger than Master's, she thought. Oohh, I'd like to taste it!
And she did. Her tongue started to lap at it, starting with its thick, smooth head. It twitched at the first touch.
Ooohh... he's liking it!
She wanted to put it inside her mouth now.
But before she could do so, something started to smart in her mouth. It was a sting, becoming more painful by the second.
Adair suddenly let go of the cock as she stumbled back on her ass on the floor.
It's been spelled!
And she knew who did it.
That horrible witch! His wife!
Her tongue started to thicken. Clutching at her mouth, she knew she had to get help before she would not be able to swallow anything or even breathe through her mouth.
Before she left, she managed to flick her finger at Marcus' pants. Instantaneously, they were zipped and buttoned up.
Being able to touch something already owned by another witch and not being caught was one thing. But with evidence... and the Queen!
Then she disappeared in a small, inaudible pop.
LOLA WALKED back into the main hall and headed to the drawing room where Marcus had taken Adair for their conversation.
Without even knocking, she barged right into the room.
At first she did not see anyone.
"Marcus?" she called as she moved further into the room. "Baby, where
Jared Mason Jr., Justin Mason