Night Flight

Night Flight Read Free

Book: Night Flight Read Free
Author: Lindsay McKenna
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voice was beginning to steady, the wobble gone. Talking helped to keep the fear at bay. “I read about the race Friday night in the newspaper and decided to come over this morning to get some photos for my kids. I know they’ll love seeing the photographs of the balloons.”
    Raising his brows, Sam nodded. What a piece of luck! “So you teach school at the base. How long have you been there?” He knew every single woman on base, or so he thought, at least the ones who frequented the officers club in search of a good time with a handsome pilot like himself.
    “Only a month. I arrived in August, rented an apartment in Lancaster and signed a one-year contract with the base.”
    “Brand-new, then.” That’s why he hadn’t seen her; it was only September 21.
    Megan nodded, trying to enjoy the ride—and Sam Holt. “Yes, it’s my first job. I’m excited about teaching the children on the base.” She managed a small laugh. “I’ll have quite a story to tell them Monday morning.” The charisma surrounding Sam was impossible to ignore. Discreetly, she noticed he wore no wedding ring. Although she wasn’t looking for a man, she was relieved he wasn’t married. Probably divorced. Someone as handsome and roguish as Holt couldn’t remain single for long.
    “You looked like you had a soft heart,” Sam teased, “and I was right. Any kids of your own?”
    She shook her head. “No.”
    Megan smiled. “I’m single, if that’s what you want to know.”
    “My lucky day. So am I.”
    Giddy from the exuberant way he attacked life, Megan asked, “What are you?”
    “A guy who likes adventure, and red-haired women who aren’t afraid of a little excitement.”
    “What else?” she pressed, curious.
    Laughing, Sam held up his hand. “Now wait a minute. I abducted you, you didn’t abduct me. As the abductor, I should be able to question you at length about yourself without having to answer your questions. Right?”
    “You’re impossible,” Megan answered.
    “And you’re flexible under some incredible circumstances. How about if I tell you everything you want to know about me just after we cross the finish line? I’d like to win this race.” He glanced around, and then grinned. “Right now, we’re ahead. So, you tell me about yourself, I’ll listen, and then when we’re done, I’ll take you to lunch. How’s that sound?”
    How did it sound? Wonderful! Megan nodded. “Okay, Sam, you’ve got a deal.” She had come back to Edwards with trepidation, a lot of fear and anxiety. That was a month ago, and thus far, she had made few friends or even acquaintances until school recently started.
    Rallying beneath Holt’s infectious smile, Megan leaned against the wall of the gondola, absorbed the newborn day and Holt. Her fingers tightened momentarily on the woven basket. Was her plan to come back to Edwards a good one? After receiving her degree, she could have taught anywhere. All Edwards reminded her of was pain, sorrow and grief. Right now, she didn’t want to look at the answers to those questions too closely.
    Holt noticed Megan’s features growing thoughtful. He had to divide his time between the altimeter, adjusting the heat within the balloon and reading the wind current speed and direction. Her green eyes were suddenly shadowed; a haunted expression in them. And that luscious lower lip of hers was tucked between her teeth as she stared down at the deck.
    “Any regrets?” he asked.
    Megan snapped up her head. “What? Oh, I’m sorry. No…no regrets, Sam.”
    “You nosedived.”
    With a shrug, Megan whispered, “Just thinking…”
    He picked up the camera and handed it to her. Maybe if she had something to do, she wouldn’t remain uncomfortable. I’ll bet your kids will like the pictures you shoot from here.”
    Touched by his thoughtfulness, Megan accepted the camera. If she shot some photos, it would continue to keep the fear in some very small corner of herself. “You’re

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