are you?"
Then she saw him lying back on the sofa directly in front of the fire. She approached him and thought at first that he was napping.
As she shook him gently to wake him up, he simply fell over onto the sofa.
That was when she realized that he wasn't napping.
He was unconscious.
"No, no, no," Lola moaned. "Marcus, wake up!"
He made no move. She started to shake him to try to get him to wake up.
"Oh my God, what did that bitch do to you?" she cried, feeling so guilty that she left him alone with Adair. Tears fell from her eyes when she still could not wake him up. She was trembling in fear. What if he had been cursed? What if he didn't wake up? It would be her fault – she did not protect her King enough.
More tears fell from her eyes.
"Marcus? Baby, please wake up!" She begged, cajoled, then commanded. But Marcus did not even flicker an eyelid. She was sobbing by then. She knew something was terribly wrong! That bitch! "Adair!" she screamed. "If you're responsible, you will pay for this!"
As she did so, there was a shift in the earth's core that was felt all over the world. Later, news reports would blame it on a rare earthquake.
But those in the magical world knew it for what it was. That shift was the result of the anger of a ruling queen.
AMIE HEARD Lola and ran from the kitchen to the drawing room. Between the two of them, they got Marcus into a more comfortable position on the sofa and covered him with an afghan.
Lola sat with him for the next two hours. She was torn between being enraged and being heartbroken. She had no idea what she would do if she lost Marcus. She couldn't stop crying. He was breathing and he looked like he was only sleeping, but she could not feel him. It was as if his soul was not inside him.
While she waited, she put out a call for medical help to the Council. They immediately sent for a warlock, who appeared before her in the drawing room.
She looked up at him with eyes puffed up from crying. "Please, heal my husband. Take away whatever ails him. I will help you if I can — just tell me what to do," she begged in a hoarse voice.
The warlock looked very sympathetic. "Do not worry, madam," he assured her. "I am quite sure that this isn't something that cannot be cured."
Reaching into his black bag, he searched around until he found a small bottle containing a bright purple liquid. Shaking the bottle thoroughly, he removed the stopper.
Lola watched as the doctor opened Marcus's mouth and poured the potion down his throat.
Almost instantly, Marcus came alert, choking violently.
The doctor helped him to sit up and stroked his back to calm the choking.
Chapter Seven
"HOW DO YOU FEEL, my king?" the doctor asked.
"I'm fine," Marcus replied as he held his hand out to signal that he did not need to be stroked anymore. "A little dizzy and confused, but I'm fine."
"Oh thank God!" Lola cried as she threw her arms around him. "Marcus, darling, I was so frightened! That bitch did something to you, didn't she? What did she do? What was it that she wanted to talk to you about?"
"I can't really remember our conversation," he replied, looking at her strangely. "However, I must ask you a question."
"What is it? Anything!" she replied, tears of happiness flowing down her cheeks.
He was frowning. He looked confused and awkward. "Do I know you?"
Lola could only stare at him for a moment. Had she not understood him correctly?
Just hours earlier, she had held this man in her arms and made love with him. Suddenly, he did not recognize her. How could this be?
"Of course, you know me, Marcus," she finally answered, voice trembling again. "I'm Lola, your wife."
"My wife?" Marcus asked with more than a small amount of skepticism in his voice. "I'm sorry, but I don't think so. You're a very beautiful woman and I do believe I would have remembered marrying you but... no." He was shaking his head vehemently. "No, that's not true."