Soul Mates Cry: Witching Call Part 3

Soul Mates Cry: Witching Call Part 3 Read Free Page B

Book: Soul Mates Cry: Witching Call Part 3 Read Free
Author: Sandra Ross
Tags: Fiction
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Marcus. Actually, we're here in this castle on our honeymoon. You bought me this castle as a wedding present! Are you saying you don't remember any of that?" 
    "I'm sorry, but no," he said again as he regretfully but firmly removed her from him. His hands lingered for a moment though, and she had the feeling he was wanting to wipe her tears away, just as her husband Marcus would do. 
    But he fisted his hand and finally let go. "As I said, you're a very beautiful woman and I'm sure you're quite nice, but I've never met you before in my life."
    The doctor cleared his throat at the look on Lola's stricken face. Quietly, he motioned for her to follow him out into the hallway. Her shock evident, she followed him without protest. 
    "You stay right there and rest, my King," the doctor said to Marcus. "I'm just going to leave some instructions for your care." 
    Marcus nodded, took his pitying eyes away from her, and did not say another word. 
    "WHAT'S WRONG with him?" Lola wailed to the doctor out in the hall. 
    "It's most likely just a residual effect from being unconscious. His memory will return soon," the doctor reassured her. "Now, you need to give him a dose of this liquid every four hours. After that, he should be just fine." 
    "But you still haven't told me what's wrong with him!" Lola demanded. 
    "This appears to be a case of exhaustion," the doctor replied. "He needs a complete rest for the next few days. Kindly don't forget to give him the liquid I gave you. If you want him back, you will not miss a dose. It's important. " 
    "Yes, yes, I understand." She felt grateful there was a cure. "Thank you so much for your help, Doctor. Can you find your way out?" she asked. 
    "Oh, certainly. I will just leave the same way that I arrived," the doctor smiled and shook hands with her. 
    When their hands touched, a shock ran through her body. 
    The doctor, however, appeared to not have noticed anything.
    Lola took her leave of him and returned to Marcus. She gave one more look over her shoulder and saw that the doctor had already vanished. 
    She found Marcus still reclining on the sofa. Approaching him carefully, she took a seat in one of the chairs flanking the sofa. He smiled at her, but he still looked as if he did not know her.
    Lola studied his face before speaking. "How are you feeling, Marcus?" she asked quietly. 
    "I'm still a little foggy, but for the most part, I feel okay," he replied without really looking at her. He was embarrassed for staring at her too long — or staring at a face that bore the signs of heavy crying.
    Something felt painful inside her chest.
    Marcus loved staring at her face. Sometimes she would fall asleep with the lamp still on because he wanted to watch her until he fell asleep himself.
    "Is there anything that I can get for you?" she asked in a husky voice. What did that fucking bitch do to him?! There has to be something I can do to help him!  
    No, she was not going to cry over this. The Marcus she knew never wanted to see anyone cry. 
    He looked relieved that there was something else they could talk about. "I'm a little hungry, I think," he replied. 
    "Oh yes! We totally missed lunch and Amie has prepared the most delicious red beans, sausage and rice along with some fresh baked bread. Shall I have her serve in here?"
    "That would be wonderful, yes," he answered. 
    Lola went back to the kitchen where she explained what the doctor had said. Amie set about putting together a couple of bowls of red beans, sausage and rice, along with some sliced bread and whipped butter. 
    Leaving Amie, Lola returned to the drawing room to try to reach Marcus once more. 

Chapter Eight
    LOLA AND MARCUS ate in silence. She really had no idea how she was going to fight this. There had to be a spell in her arsenal that would restore his memory. 
    However, for now, she was willing to see if he would remember things on his own. 
    After they were finished eating and enjoying some of Amie's cafe au

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