Truth about Truman School

Truth about Truman School Read Free

Book: Truth about Truman School Read Free
Author: Dori Hillestad Butler
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about the Truth about Believe it or not, I read about it in the second floor girls’ bathroom. The one way at the end of the hall that no one except us uses. Somebody wrote: “Check out” in lipstick on the mirror.
    First of all, I don’t know why someone would ruin a perfectly good tube of lipstick to write that on the mirror. But it made me wonder what was. So I pulled out my phone and text-messaged Hayley to see if she knew anything about it.
    Hayley messaged me right back and said: every1 is talkin bout it. wher hav u been?
    Of course, now I wish I had never said anything about that site.
    Okay, I never even saw the lipstick message. And if you must know, I had never even heard of the Truth about Truman .com until Brianna told me about it. But I couldn’t let her think she knew about something that I didn’t! You know how it is.
    So when we were in the media center working on our disease projects for science, I waited until Mrs. Conway was busy with some other kids, then I typed in and checked it out. I didn’t know back then that that weird girl with the blue hair and her nerd friend had started it. I don’t think anyone knew, because it looked like a pretty cool site. It looked like the kind of thing someone in our group would’ve set up. If we actually wanted to set up a website.
    â€œHey, what are you doing?” Reece asked, peering at my screen. He was at the computer next to mine.
    Reece and I used to go out in fifth grade, but I got bored with him and broke up with him after about two months.
    â€œChecking out what’s new on the Truth about Truman,” I said.
    â€œWhat’s that?” he asked.
    â€œIt’s a website about our school,” I said, like it was no big deal.
    Reece checked over his shoulder to make sure Mrs. Conway wasn’t looking, then he got on that site, too. And pretty soon Jonathan Nagle, who sat on the other side of Reece, wanted to know what we were doing. Even that freaky girl with the disgusting skin condition stopped to see what we were doing. Talk about a disease project!
    That girl really creeps me out. It’s not just her skin…she’s weird! She doesn’t ever say anything. If a teacher calls on her in class, she’ll just sit there and stare back at them. She won’t even get up and do a math problem on the board. But here she was hanging over my shoulder like it was any of her business what we were looking at.
    â€œKeep moving, Freak,” I said. Would you believe she stuck her tongue out at me? Real mature.
    â€œWhose website is this?” Reece asked.
    â€œDon’t know and don’t care,” I said.
    There was this list of stupid rules at Truman and you could write in and guess why the rule existed. Sk8terdude, whoever that is, said the reason we can’t use the north stairs is because the teachers hang out there and smoke between classes. And Sweetfeet said he or she saw our principal, Mr. Gates, smoking something, and it wasn’t a cigarette. I smiled. I didn’t have anything to add to that, so I moved on to the section where you could vote for Truman Middle School’s Absolute Worst Teacher.
    Oh, that was easy! I scrolled down the list and clicked on Mr. Reddy because he took a note Lilly and I were passing last week during this boring movie on the Aztecs. He actually shut the movie off, opened up our note (like it was his business) and read it to the whole class. It was all about Brianna’s new shirt and how yellow is so not a good color for her. As her friends, Lilly and I were going to tell her. Just … not like that. Not in front of the whole class.
    You should have seen the look on Brianna’s face when Mr. Reddy started reading. She was so embarrassed. Not to mention mad. So of course that started this huge fight between us.
    We made up pretty fast, but still. The

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