Of Gods and Fae
amongst themselves during The Fall . As if
someone needed another reason to come after me. Who would want those times to
return? So much for it's good to be the king.
    "Well, whoever it is, we'll meet them again. That I can
promise. You sure you still want to be my messenger?" I asked.
    "Of course," she answered as she looked up at me. "Good
and evil, strife and conflict, these are always present when dealing with the
Gods. I will stand with you."
    Like I said… gumption! But I was still gonna have to work on
that being called a God thing.
    Charlie was already at the front as we pulled into the yard.
I barely got the door open before he was jumping on my lap.
    "Come on, boy, down," I yelled as I tried to get
    "Bad, evil…" he growled as he spied the Fae
arrows. He had good reason. As I may have mentioned, he'd been shot with just
such an arrow during my battle with Marissa. Pushing him down, I got out of the
car as he ran to the other side to check on Sendy.
    Grabbing the arrows I led them into the house. Placing them
down on the table I reached for my cellphone. Before I could dial out Lucinda,
my cat, jumped on the table and hissed.
    "What of he that bore these?" she asked.
    "Escaped," I answered.
    "Unfortunate… Bernd must be told," she purred.
    "Tell, me something I don’t know." I replied as
she gave me one of those disapproving feline looks. "Go find him then,"
I countered before she could tell me again. "But I have other things to do
at the moment so ask him to meet me here tonight."
    She gave me another one of those looks and then jumped off
the table and headed for the backyard. Like Charlie, she wasn't a normal cat
either. She'd been brought to me by Bernd, the Dwarf, as a way to protect me
and the house, or at least so he said. Not that I had a reason to doubt his
motives. I'd seen her turn into a panther when she fought beside me against the
dark Fae so I was glad to have her.
    Charlie and Sendy were just standing there, watching me. I
ignored them, phone forgotten, as I rummaged through my cabinet and grabbed a
cup that said, I took the red pill!   Not that I really needed more
coffee butthat about summed up my life at the moment. Hell, some days
it even felt like I was living in a construct. Of course they didn’t have
talking animals in the Matrix , did they?
    "Charlie, tell Lucinda to make sure the grounds are
locked down. No one gets in or out except you, her, Sendy and her charge, and,
of course, Bernd," I said as I filled my cup with what was left of this
morning's coffee. "That means everyone else, friend or not, until I say
different, understood?"
    The big dog just nodded, and then went out the same way Lucinda
    "Have a seat," I said, motioning Sendy to the
table as I sat down. I needed to think. Someone was trying to kill me. Ok, I
knew that had been probably coming but that didn’t make it any easier. I was
hoping it had been one of Marissa's followers. The magic seemed like something
a black Mage would do. That would at least give me someone to focus on, but the
reality was that it could be any one of several groups out there.
    Although my situation (the High Fae thing) wasn't common
knowledge yet, the Fae around here weren't that numerous and I knew my decision
to free the Lilin from the Fae decree wasn't popular. I still hadn’t faced my aunt
in the Fae lands either. It wasn't good enough to just be the Fae I had become.
At some point I was going to have to declare my position in that realm as well.
    I took another sip and then decided I was just going to
have to deal with it. I hadn’t asked for any of this but since when had that
ever changed anything? It was time to get my act together. I looked at over at
    "You can handle what I asked you to do, right?"
I asked.
    "I can," she responded.
    "Ok, then. First, I want you to let the other Aurae
know that you are ok. I don’t need any other Fae out there looking for you.
Then complete your task. Take as long as you need

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