eyelashes which I'm thankful for. I can go without mascara and no one knows the difference. I've seen pictures of my maternal grandmother when she was my age and I actually resemble her quite a bit. She has always said that I favor the Irish side of the family. My temper also resembles it. If you've heard the saying "don't get my Irish up" then you'd understand my temperament. I'm very easy going until I'm pushed to a certain point.Then it’s all bets are off and I may bite your head off.
When we get to the General Store, we both grab bottles of water from the cooler and fill bags with penny candy or should I say nickel and dime candy? It's not really penny candy anymore, but my family still likes to call it that. Nickel candy? Nah, just doesn't sound as good. We pay for our stuff and begin the walk back. Marcus has been quiet and I'm not sure why. It's not like him. This silence between us is feeling uncomfortable and I don't like it at all. Our time together is always my favorite time. We don't do awkward.
"Let's go swing," I say as we come upon a playground. "I need a water break, I'm so thirsty from this heat." He nods in agreement and we each choose a seat to sit on. I'm too short for my feet to reach the ground so I have to do a balancing act holding my candy, the chain on the swing and drinking my water, all at the same time. Once I'm comfortably situated, I glance at Marcus and see him smirking at me.
"What?" I ask in an annoyed tone.
"You're so little, no wonder Jake calls you munchkin."
"One of these days I'll grow and kick your ass."
"Uh, yeah Hails that's never going to happen. You're fifteen, how much more could you possibly grow?"
"Whatever" I huff. I drink the rest of my water and get up to throw the bottle in the rubbish.
"Wanna head back?" I say as I turn back to face him.
"I guess," he says with a shrug. What is his problem? I am so over this walk. Get me home!
I start walking at a fast pace, keeping my focus straight ahead. At this rate, I'll make it home in no time. Marcus is behind me somewhere, but there is no way I’ll turn around and look. He can catch up with me if he wants, I'm not the one that's acting weird. The rest of the walk continues with me in front of Marcus and the odd silence between us. As our houses come into sight, I breathe a sigh of relief. All I want is to get inside, curl up in my chair with my book and forget this afternoon and all the weirdness between us ever happened.
As I start up my driveway, Marcus catches up with me.
"What d'ya wanna do for the rest of the afternoon Hails?"
"I think I will go read my book."
"I thought we were gonna hang out?" He looks confused at my sudden change of plans.
"Marcus, I don't know what's going on with you today. You're acting all distant and moody. You've barely said two words to me so I'm not sure why you'd think I'd want to do anything with you?
"Hails, I have no idea what you're talking about."
"What's wrong?" I say as I look up at him. He's grown so much I no longer reach his shoulder.
"Nothing's wrong, I guess I'm just in a funk today. I thought maybe you could get me out of it, but instead I think it rubbed off on you." He says with a smile, pulling me in for a hug. I rest my cheek on his chest and breathe in his scent. He smells like sunshine and Irish Spring soap, two of my favorite scents.
"Okay, it's whatever," I say with a shrug, pulling out of his arms. It’s pretty much impossible for me to stay mad at him. I turn, opening up the side door that leads to our mud room. I glance over my shoulder at him one more time before I walk inside.
"Are you coming?"
We spend the rest of the afternoon watching television and we seemed to have settled back into our usual groove of best friends.
I’m sitting on our back deck at the table, eating dinner and I have once again turned into “tongue tied Hailey” all because Cory is sitting next to me. Oh my God! His arm keeps brushing up against me throughout the