looking forward to signing something.”
“Doctor Henry said it’s a sprain, and that I’m good as long as I’m careful for a couple weeks.” Danny lowered his voice and spoke in put-upon tones, one man complaining to another over the unfairness of women, “Mom said I can’t do my stuff for awhile and I got to stay inside where it’s boring.”
House put his hand carefully around Danny’s shoulders and lowered his own voice with conspiratorial intent. “We’ll figure things out to get you away. Let me and Brick work on your Mom and get things set up.” As Danny’s face lit up with glee, House glanced at her and gave a wink.
Damn, that man was too pretty, and she was too old to start going to pieces internally over a stupid wink.
Brick moved over to her, breaking her attention from House, and though Brick was the opposite of pretty, those thick thighs and those hands , they made her double-take just as much as House’s sharp blue eyes and broad shoulders. They both caught her interest, the kind of interest that had her biting her lips some nights at the end of shift to stop from asking them to take her home, strip her naked, hold her down, and work her body over until she passed out from pleasure.
And it was for both of them.
Which made no sense. She hadn’t ever been a threesome girl. Women didn’t do anything for her sexually, and she had never wanted more than one guy before.
Maybe it was because they were always together, and she didn’t know one without the other. Maybe it was because they were so opposite in their types of attractiveness that the combination was fascinating. Maybe those wild oats weren’t as sown as she liked to think.
Whatever it was, the truth was she if she had her way, both of them would be working her over.
“What about Danny coming to the shop? Today is payroll and you can work and watch over him.” Brick’s words broke through imaginings.
“I don’t want him holding things up.”
“He won’t.” Flat statement, no cajoling or wheedling, unlike what House would try. Brick stated and everyone followed. Brick turned to Danny. “Want to come watch us work on the cars?”
Danny’s face lit up like it was Christmas and his birthday and the first day of summer vacation all wrapped in one. “Mom, can I?”
“I’m afraid you’ll get bored-”
“I won’t!”
“Or that you’ll interrupt everyone’s work-”
“Swear Mom! I won’t! Please? ”
Three men were looking at her with different levels of hope and expectation. There was no way she could say no. “ If you go there,” she began, but with the way Danny began bouncing on his feet, he already knew where this was going. “You behave. It’s a workplace, not a toyroom.”
“PROMISE!” Danny yelled, grabbing House’s hand and yelling over his shoulder, “Brick, we got to get me dressed. Help me out.”
The three left with Mel able to do nothing but watch. She’d been half-relieved she wouldn’t have to go to the garage today, and she was a little off her game now that she would be faced with Brick and House in their natural environment – surrounded by metal and grease and tools, and more often than not working in an undershirt.
With a small groan for the temptations the day ahead would bring, she went to get ready.
Chapter Two
T he garage was busy, in the midst of two repairs and three restorations, and while the attitude of the place was easy-going, all of the mechanics carried an energy about them that said things were happening.
The office was separated from the work floor by a large window. The shades were up right now, so Mel had an unobstructed view of the entire floor. Danny was sitting on the side, staying in one place like he promised, talking a mile a minute to Brick as the wolf worked on an engine, quiet except for a nod or quick look at her son.
Brick and House were always so good with Danny. It had made her nervous at first, the men with her son. Wolves could be