filthy street. A young boy rode past on his bike, tossing newspapers wildly, most landed in bushes lining the path. A handsome boy with startling green eyes glanced her way from the bus stop as she disappeared around the corner.
All around her Brasov was awakening. Roseline’s hunch became more pronounced as she forced herself to move at a humans pace. It felt infuriatingly slow, but she had to blend in.
The train station was about two miles outside the city square. Roseline sped back up once she was out of view, easily spanning the distance in a couple minutes. As she neared the train station, Roseline slowed to a walk. Without acknowledging the sparse crowd beginning to cluster inside the station, Roseline headed straight for the ticket booth.
“One ticket to Bucharest please,” Roseline whispered, trying to disguise her voice as she spoke to the train attendant. His muddy brown eyes searched her veiled face with mild interest. Roseline turned away, fearing the man’s scrutiny.
“You running away from something missy?” the man’s gravelly voice asked. Roseline nodded, pulling the collar of her coat up further around her neck. “Well good luck to you.” The man took her money and busied himself with printing her boarding pass.
As soon as the ticket was in hand, Roseline raced for the door. She sat on the bench, her legs bouncing, absently peeling away the chipped blue paint from the wooden slats under her as she waited impatiently for the 6:58am train. When it arrived, Roseline was one of the few passengers to board but that suited her nicely.
It wasn’t until the train had traveled nearly thirty minutes before Roseline finally breathed a sigh of relief. The trip would take just under three hours. She leaned her head back against the seat, closing her eyes to rest. She would need it. Within 24 hours Roseline would be in a different country beginning a new life. She’d finally be free!
“ Pst .”
Roseline swatted at the incessant voice. It’d been calling to her off and on for a few moments but she’d refused to pay attention. “Leave me alone,” she grumbled.
“Hey! New girl,” the feminine voice hissed louder. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Mr. Roberts doesn’t take kindly to students drooling on his periodic table!”
Groaning, Roseline leaned back, wiping her face to make sure she hadn’t actually drooled. Her vision was a bit hazy, groggy from a mixture of killer jet lag and a terrible night’s sleep. “Where am I?”
A startling bubble gum pink Mohawk filled her vision. Roseline blinked, unsure if she was still dreaming. “Rise and shine.”
“Oh no,” Roseline groaned, glancing at her surroundings. How could she have forgotten the past two days? The flights had been tediously long. Things hadn’t gotten much better when her plane touched down in Chicago . She’d had to fight through customs and immigration, butterflies swarming in her stomach as she’d waited for the guard to succumb to her charms long enough to make him forget that her passport didn’t look entirely legit.
It was a botch job and she knew it. Fane had always taken care of her details before. She’d had to make all of the arrangements on her own this time. But luck had been on her side. The young, pimple faced immigration agent had easily been swayed by her batting eye lashes and low cut shirt. When Roseline turned on her charm, no guy could resist her. Sometimes being an Immortal did have its up sides!
And now, Roseline found herself sitting in a modern teenager’s hell. Fifth period science! The tweed loving science teacher glared at bubble gum girl, who was teetering precariously on a dented metal lab stool.
Under different circumstances, Roseline would have found the girl rather amusing. Her hair wasn’t the only startling thing about her appearance. The