girl’s eyes were rimmed with dark black make-up giving her a rabid raccoon look. Not to mention the black nail polish, spiked neck collar and matching leather bracelet. She sure knew how to make a statement!
“You ok?” the girl asked as soon as the teacher shifted his attention away. He’d instantly leapt back into his discussion on why science was vital to his student’s lives. Like anyone cared!
“Yeah, sorry. I’m not normally so rude when I first wake. Rough dream,” Roseline responded, gingerly rubbing her sore neck. The pain of Vladimir ’s fists had already healed, but sleeping on the lumpy second hand mattress she’d picked up the day before had really done her in.
The girl glanced at her from the corner of her eye. “No offense or anything, but you look pretty rough.”
Roseline laughed softly, tasting the bitterness swelling her mouth. She hadn’t expected to struggle with homesickness. Especially since she’d been Vladimir ’s punching bag for the past three centuries, but she really missed Fane and Romania . This place didn’t feel right. The smells were all wrong. Instead of clean mountain air, her nose was inundated by car fumes and smelly people on the subway.
“So…I’m Sadie by the way. Sadie Hughes.”
Roseline nodded and turned her attention away. She wasn’t there to make friends, to have a sleepover or giggle about the hottest guy in school. All Roseline wanted was to be left alone. To hide in the shadows and pretend like everything was ok.
Sadie frowned. “Not gonna tell me your name?”
With a sigh, Roseline turned towards Sadie. “Look. I’m sure you’re a really nice girl and all, but I’m not here to be BFF’s with anyone. I’m just here for the class. Ok?”
She thought her straight to the point dialogue would sway Sadie, but she was wrong. Apparently the girl couldn’t take a hint…or just refused to. “That’s cool. I’m a bit of a loner myself. But at least I have a name,” she said pointedly, fixing her gaze on Roseline.
Roseline couldn’t help but allow her lip to twitch up into a smile. The girl had spunk. She liked that. “My name’s Rose Danbry.”
Sadie’s grin was infectious. “See. That wasn’t so hard.” But her smile quickly faded as Mr. Robert’s lurched down the isle.
“Miss Hughes. Care to share with the class?” His tweed arms swept back to encompass the entire student body, who unfortunately decided to stare back at them with wide eyed interest. Typical!
Rolling her eyes, Sadie shook her head and leaned her stool back across the isle to her own table. She blew a large pink bubble, the loud pop made Mr. Roberts jump. She collected the remnants of the gum with her tongue as he snickered in disgust.
Shoving his inch thick plastic rimmed glasses back up his nose, Mr. Robert’s turned and opened his mouth to reprimand Roseline but instead choked on his tongue. His eyes traveled down Roseline’s silky tresses that curled appealingly around her waist, the low cut v-neck shirt that hinted at the perfection that lay beneath the thin material, and the short skirt and matching heels that accentuated her shapely legs. Roseline’s aqua eyes narrowed with disgust as she heard his heart stutter, pumping blood frantically to keep up with his degrading thoughts. His face flushed and a slight sheen stood out on his forehead as he cleared his throat.
“ Miss. Danbry.” He nodded down at her before scurrying back to the front of the room.
“Gross!” Sadie exclaimed as Mr. Roberts struggled to keep his eyes from flitting back towards Roseline.
Roseline nodded in agreement. Sadie’s one word summed it up. “Pervert.”
One of the things Roseline hated most about being Immortal was the way human men reacted to her. It was quite pathetic when you thought about it.