need. She felt his wet fingertips sliding between her thighs, pressing up into the softness and exploring her. She rocked against the invitation, panting as if she had just finished a marathon.
Give him what he wants. You're already in this knee deep, and there's no going back. What could he ask for that would be more outrageous than what his pills have done?
She ignored her doubts, overwhelmed by the heat radiating up her belly and curling into her milk filled breasts. “Anything. I'll do it...anything to feel your hands give me relief – and not just in my chest.”
Hughes smiled, the same kind of thin lipped curl that rose when his experiments were going smoothly.
“I want to milk you properly, but we can only do that with the right equipment. Will you wait for me on your mattress?”
She nodded and padded into the bedroom. “Wonderful,” he called after her. “And Mallory, don't forget
– it's morning and time for your next dose.”
Hughes disappeared from the room a second later, running down the hall to retrieve his gear. Sighing, she took two more pills. Her vivid imagination made it feel as though her breasts were swelling once again, relentlessly filling with more of the milk stirred by the magic tablets.
She was toying with her nipples when he returned. Hughes came into the bedroom, a large leather
harness swinging from his hands.
“What's this?” She asked, her eyes sparkling with alarm.
“Spread yourself out on all fours. This is the most efficient way to deal with you.” The light streaming from the room's lamp coated his glasses, making it impossible to see his eyes. He waited as she thought it over. “You want that aching sensation to go away, don't you?”
“Yesss,” she hissed a second later. No, it wasn't just her imagination – her breasts were growing again.
Just minutes after taking the pills, her breasts were swollen and swaying with new heaviness, spurting into her hands. The fullness was intolerable. She needed the relief only he could bring, not to mention the masculine energy that a life in shadow had robbed her of for so long.
Her breasts bobbed uncomfortably, driving slight pain through her as she spread herself out. Hughes nodded, satisfied, and started to sling the cool leather around her. The straps wound around both
shoulders. A matching collar clamped around her neck, loose enough to be comfortable, but tight
enough to make its presence known.
“There. Don't you feel at home? I hope I've brought a large enough container to collect everything.” He slid what looked like a wide metal bucket underneath her torso.
A sound like “uhhhf!” curdled the air, popping from her mouth as he went to work, this time without restrictions. Hughes pinched her full breasts in his hands and started to milk her in long, firm, even strokes.
Each time she moaned, he took it as a signal to tighten his grip, pushing the milk jets out with energetic jerks. The Doctor intended to bring her to the edge of pleasure and discomfort, where she might
discover the energy he had studied for so long.
Hughes had dedicated his life to extremes. The human body amazed him, and not just because of its
otherworldly chemistry. He had pushed himself to the limits of physical endurance, sculpting his hard muscles and fasting, until he felt sparks of enlightenment streaming through his mind.
Nothing was more satisfying than his erotic experiments, though. He had frightened away more than a few girlfriends, insisting that they bend to his will, a mad desire to find pleasure in forbidden zones.
Once, he dated a woman who was still lactating after the birth of her child the previous year. The way she orgasmed as he forced milk from her breasts left him with his own personal Madonna. Not to
mention a lingering addiction that could only be satisfied by uniting his personal and professional lusts.
Now, he had finally brought all of the pieces together. He looked down at the tender, willing woman
Jesse Rev (FRW) Christopher; Jackson Mamie; Benson Till-Mobley