While in his fantasies he’d filled her out into being all woman, he’d still not come close to the luxuries Jamie’s body had bloomed into. It helped too that the dirty boy clothes she’d always favored had disappeared.
They were replaced by, of all things, a riding skirt. Not once, not even to church, had Caelen ever seen Jamie in anything but pants. That day five years ago when Jamie had shed her clothes, both Brodie and he had been stunned and appalled to realize just how much of a woman had been tucked in under their noses.
Those times had apparently passed by. The curves that Jamie had once kept a secret she shared only with them, now beckoned a welcoming call to all men. It wasn’t just the clothes, for it was the fit that drew a man’s notice.
The soft cotton of her skirt had clung from the dip of her waist to smooth like a lover’s hand over the flare of her hips. A sweet zone wrapped in soft fabric, it made a man’s hands itch to rip aside that skirt and find the glories he knew would be waiting between those soft thighs. Thighs that pressed out of the folds of her skirt as she moved, teasing a man’s dry eyes with a hint of roundness.
It didn’t take much of man’s imagination to figure out what kind of sweet curves those folds hid. Especially not with her vest improperly unbuttoned at the top. The soft leather caught on the generous globes of her breast, highlighting her full curves indecently, which was just why Caelen’s gaze had lingered there.
Hard as he tried, though, he couldn’t see right through the white cotton to the most beautiful breasts he’d ever been tempted to take a taste of. He’d just have to rip the damn thing out of his way once they got a moment alone. That’s just what he’d do, because some things about Jamie hadn’t changed at all.
She still found trouble easy enough. The sparkle of green flashing in her gaze assured him she still enjoyed it. Knowing that, even knowing that the boy she’d rode off with was nothing more than a pawn, none of it helped with the surge of aggression snaking through the hard bite of lust gnawing on his balls, Jamie’s signature imprint on his soul.
* * * *
Brodie just couldn’t keep his growl behind his clenched teeth. It rolled out with no end in sight. Not even the hard pound of Geoffrey’s hooves could hammer it out him. Back in town less than a minute, and already Jamie Traynor had him pissed enough to chew through leather.
Aroused anger, her signature brand, burned through him. A fire of which he’d thought the flames had long burned out, leaving nothing more than ashes of his soul. The last time he’d felt the scorching lick of volatile emotions Jamie inspired in him had been five years ago.
Five years ago when he’d been fool enough to strive for honor, which just meant he’d been a fool. Brodie didn’t consider himself to be a noble man or even a good one. Life on the range made a man practical, but a practical man would have taken Jamie up on her offer.
Only a blind fool would have turned down the opportunity to ravish a girl as beautiful and exciting as Jamie. Especially given how she stripped down and offered herself up willingly for a man’s touch. It hadn’t been practical, though it might have been honorable. It certainly had just been plain dumb to say no.
Worse, he’d chased her off. All the way back East where he didn’t even stand a hope of getting a second chance, and that’s just what he’d been silently wishing for… for five years . As the days had passed into weeks, and the weeks had rolled on through the months into years, hope had begun to wane.
Brodie had stopped looking toward the horizon or glancing down the trails, waiting for his pigtailed rider to return. It figured that would be when fate finally answered. Brodie would get a second chance.
This time, no amount of tender feelings was going to hold back his desires.
* * * *
Jamie smiled as Danny spurred his horse