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Book: HisHumanCow Read Free
Author: Unknown
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palm, as if she had performed some great service.
    “I have to go,” he said, beginning to dress. “Make sure you get plenty of rest and I'll check on you tomorrow. Above all else, take your pills at the scheduled times.”
    She crouched in a Lotus position, her engorged breasts folded and leaking. “Uhh, Doctor? What about this?”
    “I'm sure you can take care of that on your own. Not enough to remove all of it, of course, but enough to give you a pleasant distraction from the boredom around here. I hope I've given you a small
    diversion too.” He smiled and disappeared from the bedroom.
    Mallory heard the door slam shut a second later. The metal container he had left waited at her side. She clenched her jaw and brought her fingers to her nipples, watching as two new jets sprayed from her hard pink tips.
    “This is disgusting...or that's the way it should be,” she whispered, uncertain of everything. Her words were lies, and she knew it. Far from being disgusted, Mallory was fascinated. For the first time in her life, it felt as though she had found her calling.
    I never imagined it would be something like this. I want him to milk me and hold me, and never, ever let up. Is that really so sickeningly wrong?

His to Shape
    Hughes kept his word, faithfully returning every day to check on her. Naturally, half the time his hands landed on her breasts and helped her pump the whitish cream out, it led to ventures that went far
    beyond the study's original intention.
    Mallory had gotten more sex in just three weeks than she had in six years. The Doctor's motions grew more jagged, rougher and harder each time he took her. Most days, it was hard to tell where his dictates for the experiment stopped and where his orders in the bedroom began.
    “Just trust me on this. You'll adjust to the gravity fast. If you lean forward, it'll take the pressure off your back, and give you a more natural angle to handle the milk,” he said, hooking her shoulder straps into the network of hooks he had installed on the wall.
    She shuddered with unease, but dared not oppose him. Just the thought of upsetting him, her only man, terrified her.
    Mallory hung along the wall, her body gently tipped forward at an angle. He pulled the broad metal trough closer, a container that had gone up several sizes since the experiment began. Hughes struggled to wrap his strong hands around her bloated cushions, which had gotten so big that they resembled
    small pumpkins.
    Lately, her milk never stopped between doses. Dragging it from her warm flesh took hours. Even when they managed to force her down several sizes, the flow continued, streaming in steady trickles. She didn't bother wearing a top anymore because of the changes.
    “Hmm...it's getting very difficult to extract it all. My hands are getting sore, girl.” He chuckled and smacked her right breast, watching it dribble more milk as he backed away.
    Mallory moaned. Jesus, he's right. If I don't stop taking this drug, there's going to come a time when my breasts are too full to get it all out, she thought. Surely, it isn't going to make me explode?
    “Are you sure this isn't hazardous?” She asked, wincing at the darkness in Hughes' eyes.
    “Of course not,” he snapped. “Do you really think I would place you in any grave danger? The only
    thing you have to worry about is a little extra discomfort. I was going to wait until later in the week to do this, but you've tipped my hand.”
    He stepped away from the room and disappeared out the door. Mallory groaned, fearing she had
    offended him. She shook her arms, letting her great mammaries swing and drip, her heart racing as she noticed just how tightly the straps clung to the hooks.
    What if he leaves me like this? He could disappear for days and leave me stuck, hanging with tits the size of airbags...
    She shook her head, trying to mine back the trust. It bothered her that she didn't trust him fully. Hadn't he done enough for her, showing more

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