spirit are greater than the sum of your brain’s cells, chemical messengers, and physical components. Intimate relationships are profoundly spiritual and emotional, and can’t be reduced to these factors alone. It remains largely mysterious that your evolving mind and spirit can connect with another evolving mind and spirit, love deeply, commit to sharing yourself over time, and express love through the physical medium of sex.
At the same time, by harnessing the power of your mind, you can enhance your natural ability to live in the mystery of love. Let’s look at some important ways you can use your mind to build and maintain a strong love relationship and a healthy sex life. All of them can be put to good use in conjunction with the other tools and techniques you’ll explore in the chapters ahead. While you’re busy building your libido and your overall health, you can be relationship building at the same time!
— Creating time. It may seem obvious that you need quality time alone with your partner, without the intrusions of the world, to have a dynamic, supportive love relationship and experience great sex. Yet many people seem to forget to find time for relationship nurturing, perhaps because they feel caught up in a culture that places higher priorities on other things. One of the secrets of partners who evolve together over many years, and continue to love one another and enjoy a healthy sex life, is creating time to spend together and fully appreciate one another—which means more than just making time for sex.
In the modern world, many couples are separated on a daily basis by work and other responsibilities, but with the strength of your mind, you can turn this to your advantage. Humans are sometimes distinguished from other animals because of our unusual capacity for delayed gratification; we can imagine enjoyable experiences well in advance, and doing so may enhance pleasure. This pertains not only to simply spending time with your partner, but also to sex: in a sense, you can enhance in advance . If you have to wait, let anticipation increase gratification.
— Communication and sex. For many couples in healthy relationships, there are profound connections between the quality of their communication and the quality of their sex life. When you share intimate thoughts and feelings with one another on a daily basis over time—not merely discussions of household functions, paying bills, or material possessions, but your most personal issues—you continue to grow and evolve together, and you become closer in every way, including sexually. It’s almost as if the natural give-and-take of good communication, along with all of its other relationship-building benefits, has an added aphrodisiac effect.
— Sexual trust. Building an emotionally safe, solid relationship can be critical to the health of your partnership and your sex life. Many women have difficulty achieving orgasm, or even becoming aroused, unless they’re in a relationship that allows them to fully let go, trust, and release control. Modern brain research backs this up; brain scans show that during orgasm women—unlike men, who experience stimulation of their “reward” circuitry—have reduced activity in brain areas that govern self-control, moral reasoning, social judgment, and vigilance. Your capacity for pleasure appears to be closely linked with your brain’s ability to release inhibition, suspend judgment, and let down your guard, all of which may be possible only when you’re in a relationship that feels dependable and secure.
— Supporting your right brain. Your brain is bicameral , which means it’s composed of “two houses,” or halves. Each has functions that offer you a different perspective of the world; your left hemisphere is more logical and linear, and your right more intuitive and nonlinear. Many women caught up in the busy world of day-to-day responsibilities function highly from their left brain but have lost touch
Stephen L. Antczak, James C. Bassett