Dominic (Saint Brothers #1)

Dominic (Saint Brothers #1) Read Free

Book: Dominic (Saint Brothers #1) Read Free
Author: Kristan Belle
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slipping onto the empty stool next to me. He looked as rough as hell. It wasn’t surprising really. He’d been up all night looking into some kind of new computer system they were installing at the office. He’d been working with Kellin and Austen since they started the business and handled all the digital work. Maze was a genuine computer whizz, which was how he got his name. He was like those goddamn mice that always got the cheese. Maze delivered without fail.
    Maze had been working through the night and for most of the day on this new computer system. The dude was going to work himself into the ground. My brother’s wouldn’t be able to function without him working for them. They were the muscle and the connections and Maze had the know-how to make it work. They were a damn good team and the mix worked well.
    None of us were dumb enough to think that he always kept to the legal routes when he was working a job, but he always got the right results so we weren’t going to complain. Sometimes you had to bend the law to get the job done. That was just the way of the world.
    “All sorted?”
    Maze sighed and ran a hand over his shaven head. “It wasn’t easy, but I got there in the end. Shame I had to miss out on all the fun with you lot, though.”
    We had spent the morning in the office, sorting through some possible new connections, but the real action happened this afternoon. It had been a long time coming and I enjoyed every goddamn second of it.
    This latest job had been particularly difficult. My brothers didn’t usually take on jobs from people that we knew personally. It didn’t usually work out for the best. If you came up with some dirt that they didn’t like, it could ruin a perfectly good friendship. People always liked to believe that they could handle hearing the truth, but when they were slapped around the face with it? The truth often hurt and they chose to shoot the messenger.
    This situation had been slightly different, though. We had all been waiting for Lauren to come to us for a while now. The guy she had been involved with was a complete dick. At the very least, he was nowhere near good enough for her. At the worst, he was fucking poison. We had been biding our time, waiting to make our move. The wait had been a bitch but we couldn’t go meddling in her life without her go ahead. We could see that he was wrong for her, but it wasn’t our place to go wading in like that.
    If only I had known just how bad that shit was getting, I’d have acted without her permission. He deserved everything that was coming to him.
    Matt was a major dick. He came walking into my bar acting like he owned the place, like he owned Lauren. Matt was the biggest prick walking and I couldn’t wait to plaster his face all over the nearest wall from the moment I laid eyes on him. But, I’d refrained from doing anything, not wanting Lauren to get caught in the crossfire.
    She was a great girl and no one’s fucking property. She was my bar manager and honestly, I didn’t know what I would do without her. I was shit at keeping the books and paperwork and she helped me to keep it all on track. She had come into this job a bubbly out-going woman and since that dick had moved in on her, she’d become withdrawn and nervous and a girl I hardly recognised.
    It was one of those situations when you knew you had to follow your gut instincts. I knew that he was bad news from the moment she brought him into the bar. There was something about him that seemed off. Which was why I put the boys on alert, ready in case we needed to step in. And I was right.
    To anyone else he probably seemed like a good guy when they first started dating. He seemed to treat her right and she’d been completely smitten with him. But there had been something in that bastard’s eyes that didn’t sit right with me.
    My instincts had been right. As soon as Lauren started withdrawing into herself and that lively girl we all knew disappeared, I knew it

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