A Moonlit Night - The Complete Saga

A Moonlit Night - The Complete Saga Read Free

Book: A Moonlit Night - The Complete Saga Read Free
Author: Adrianna White
Tags: Paranormal, vampire, Werewolf, troll, summoner
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Emily, pounding on the door
    Still, no one answered.
    Emily ran downstairs, hoping to find someone
there. And find them, she did. They were already heading out the
door with the car already started and their bags packed.
    “Oh shit,” said her father, looking back at
her daughter. “Honey, you gotta go back to bed for me, okay?”
    Her father, Jason, was a good man with a
receding hairline and thick horn-rimmed glasses. He was protective
of his family, often erring on the side of caution. He always put
his children first and tried to shield them from some of the harsh
realities of life.
    “W—where are you going?” asked Emily, running
up to her mother. “Can I come, too?”
    “I’m sorry, sweetie,” said her mother. “It
isn’t safe where we’re going.”
    Her mother, Amanda, was a beautiful woman and
a spitting image of her lovely daughter. She was a warm and loving
person, but had lived a long and hard life. Yet, she never carried
any of that with her. She loved where she was and that was all that
    “Mommy, I saw someone outside,” said Emily,
reaching for her mother to take hold of her.
    “What do you mean, you saw someone?” Amanda
questioned as she placed her bags on the ground as she picked her
daughter up.
    “I saw a man,” Emily explained. “He was a bad man—.”
    “C’mon, Amanda,” Jason interrupted with a
look of concern. “We have to go… right now.”
    Jason stopped for a moment and considered the
feelings of the scared little girl he was leaving behind. She meant
the world to him, and he only hoped that his actions tonight would
lead to a bright future for his daughter; a future that he would
not be able to give her currently.
    Walking over to his daughter, Jason ran his
hands through her hair, and said, “Your mother and I have to leave
for a little while. I’m sorry we couldn’t tell you earlier. To be
honest, we didn’t even know we had to leave until an hour
ago. Your grandma will be here in the morning, and she’s going to
look after your brother and you for a little while. Can you be a
big girl for me?”
    “Don’t go, daddy!” shouted Emily, as her
father broke contact and hurried out the door. “Please!”
    “It’s going to be all right,” Amanda said
soothingly. “Your brother will look after you… he’s so very
fond of you. I want you to know that we love both of you very much;
always and forever.”
    Amanda let Emily go, and began to walk out
the door. As she reached the porch steps, she turned around, and
with that tender and caring smile of hers, she said, “Emily, you
are a very special girl. One day you’ll understand just how
important you really are. I love you. It is for love, that we do
the things we do. I want you to remember that. Can you do that for
    Emily nodded as she watched her parents
leave. That would be the last time she ever saw her parents
    Emily dashed upstairs and back to her room.
Rushing to the window, she scanned for signs of her parent’s car.
It was nowhere to be seen, just like the man that had been stalking
her from the fields.

Chapter Four

    “She’s waking up,” said Steven, sitting down
beside Emily on the bed. “You gave us quite a scare, you know that
    Steven had always tried to be the strong one,
but ever since the loss of their parents, Emily was all he had
    The two of them lived together in the house
they grew up in. It was a beautiful country home with canary yellow
siding, blue accents, and a porch that wrapped around the house.
Sometimes it was hard for them to live in a place that reminded
them so much of their lost parents. On the other hand, that was
also the reason they could never bring themselves to sell it.
    “Steven? How long have you been here?” Emily
asked as she looked out the window. “How long have I been
    It was the next day, and by the looks of it,
Emily figured it was well past dinner time. Night was almost upon
them. Had she been

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