A Moonlit Night - The Complete Saga

A Moonlit Night - The Complete Saga Read Free Page B

Book: A Moonlit Night - The Complete Saga Read Free
Author: Adrianna White
Tags: Paranormal, vampire, Werewolf, troll, summoner
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had been watching over Emily for a few days now, and was ready to
make his move. This most recent development only served as a
slight delay in his grand design.
    “Should we attack now, Master Simeon?” asked
Jacob, skulking up towards his dark master.
    “The two of you failed me once already,” said
Simeon, staring down Jacob; piercing through the junkie’s blood red
eyes. “I will accompany you this time.”
    “This time,” Simeon continued. “We’ll truly
finish off their legacy.”

Chapter Five

    “You guys can leave now, I’ll be fine,”
explained Emily, giving her friends a hug as they all huddled
around the front door.
    “With him?” asked Steven, pointing towards
Xander. “You barely even know him.”
    It was true, Emily thought. She had just met
him last night, and even then, they had barely spoken more than a
dozen words between them. Still, she had to know what happened last
night, and didn’t want her friends around to hear.
    Her friends left the house, giving the two of
them the space they desired. Emily barely knew the handsome man in
her living room, but felt a mysterious connection with him, one
that shook her to the very core.
    Emily paced around the living room, trying to
figure out where to start. She caught a quick glimpse of Xander;
careful not to stare, she averted her eyes before he caught her
leering. He was gorgeous, she thought. Everything about him
screamed out to her, demanding that she come closer. Emily had
never experienced a pull like this before; and it startled her,
perhaps even more than last night’s attack.
    “I suppose you wish to know what I am?” asked
Xander, sitting down on the couch across from her. “Hiding my true
identity will only put you in further danger. You deserve to know
the truth, and the faster we get this out of the way, the faster I
can get you out of danger. I am a creature of the night… a
    “You’ve got to be kidding me,” said Emily,
rolling her eyes in disbelief. “I didn’t hit my head that
    Xander smiled, opened his mouth and two long
fangs descended from his canine teeth. Emily jumped back, which
only caused Xander to erupt into laughter.
    “Oh my god, you’re telling the truth,” Emily
said. “So you’re dead?”
    “Well I wouldn’t say dead , but yes, my
mortal life ended over 500 years ago,” said Xander, now completely
serious with a stern look on his face.
    “Are you going to hurt me?” asked Emily, now
a little startled after the initial shock had worn off.
    “No, I’m not going to hurt you,” Xander said.
“I haven’t hurt anyone for over two hundred years, at least not
anyone that hasn’t been trying to hurt me.”
    Xander looked down, clearly ashamed of the
man he once was. He had hurt many people, but he was a changed man.
Or at least, that’s what he kept trying to tell both those around
and himself.
    “Oh no, I didn’t mean it like that,” said
Emily, slowly walking towards Xander. “I’ve just never met a real
vampire before. To be honest, I never really believed in the
    Xander looked up at Emily, confused by her
words. If that were true, Xander thought, than perhaps her
attackers could’ve been mistaken. Perhaps he could’ve been
mistaken, also. Maybe she wasn’t the girl they all believed her to
    “Can I ask you something?” Emily asked, “What
were those men that attacked me? I’ve never seen red eyes like that
before. Were the junkies vampires, as well?”
    “They were ghouls,” Xander replied. “They are
humans that have taken to drinking the blood of a vampire.”
    “Why would anyone want to do that?” Emily
asked. “Is that how you become a vampire?”
    “No, that’s not how you become a vampire,”
Xander said. “In truth, there are not many vampires in the world.
Our survival demands certain secrecy, and in turn, we rarely give
our power to others. It is considered the most special gift our
kind can give. They are our eyes and ears

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