was because of him. He was controlling, over-bearing and generally trying to rule her life. She couldn’t go out with her friends, told her what to eat, he dictated her wardrobe and shit like that.
It all came to a head the night that Lauren put in her letter of resignation. I knew for a fact that she loved her job and wouldn’t give it up for the world, if the choice had been hers. After some prodding, she broke down and admitted that he had been behind it all, wanting her to be at home at his beck and call.
I wasn’t going to stand by and let him ruin her like that. Professionally, I was just her boss. But we’d become friends in the time that she’d been working for me and I looked out for her. Matt hadn’t liked that, wanting to get her away from us. It had been hard for me not to stick my nose into her business and wait for her to come to me, but she eventually did.
We got the ball rolling straight away. Keeping Lauren at the bar with a couple of the boys watching over her, I wanted her somewhere we could keep an eye on her and where that asshole couldn’t get to her. He wouldn’t be able to step foot in the place without one of my boys beating his ass back out the door.
Maze had been pissed that he had to sit back at the bar and watch over Lauren while we had all the fun. I didn’t want him slipping through our fingers and causing her any problems. In my opinion, Maze had the hardest job, but I certainly had the most enjoyable.
What a fucked up mess of a situation. The delusional asshole had been sat in her apartment with his feet up, waiting for her to come home. The smug look on the bastards face had nearly sent me over the edge. He seriously had some kind of God complex thing going on, thinking he could do anything and get away with it and everything in me itched to knock the shit out of him.
However, we did the right thing and tried to talk it out with him first. The dick hadn’t wanted to listen to reason when we told him to pack his shit up and get the hell out of Lauren’s life. As much as I hated talking, I didn’t want to make this situation worse for her. Having him in her life was dragging her down and she had finally seen the light and reached out for help and we weren’t going to let her down.
How he ever thought he was going to get the better of the four of us, I’ll never know. When he started in telling us what was best for Lauren and how we didn’t know her at all, I totally lost my shit. That piece of scum was ruining her and I wouldn’t stand for it.
Honestly, he was seriously lucky that Austen dragged me off him when he did or he’d be drinking through a straw for the rest of his life. Once I started, I saw red and couldn’t stop.
With a little help from my brothers, it didn’t take him long to pack his stuff up and get the hell out of her place. If I’m being honest, I didn’t think it was going to be the last I saw of him. He wasn’t stupid, but he was cunning. If he could find a way to get back to Lauren, he would. I, for one, wouldn’t let that happen.
Maze had happily agreed to watch over her for a few days after he got over the fact he wasn’t going to be beating on anyone. I think he’s got the hots for her, but I knew he wouldn’t be stupid enough to act on it yet. She had been through enough lately without having to deal with him. Maze was a good guy and I could see them getting it on in the future, but not now. I trusted him.
I didn’t think her dipshit ex would be stupid enough to come crawling back so soon, and after the beating he had taken, I didn’t think he’d be able to walk in the near future, but better to be safe than sorry. We wanted to keep her safe. Maze was going to be sticking to her like glue for a while.
It was going to take her a while to get over it. He’d really done a number on her, but Lauren was a great girl and we’d do all we could to get her back to the woman we knew and loved.
Walking through to my office in the back, the