Brie's Russian Fantasy (After Graduation, #3)

Brie's Russian Fantasy (After Graduation, #3) Read Free

Book: Brie's Russian Fantasy (After Graduation, #3) Read Free
Author: Red Phoenix
Tags: Erótica, Romance
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Master pressed up against her sex with the last thrust and her pussy gave its final encore, a fluttering climax to milk his cock.
    Sir kissed a tear that remained on her cheek. “And that, my dear, concludes your introduction to the Magic Wand.”

A Little Dish on Clark

    B rie held up her philosophy textbook from college. “Why do I still have this? I’ll never use it.”
    Lea giggled. “Give it to charity. I’m sure some poor college student would appreciate not spending a hundred bucks for the book.”
    Brie turned it over and looked at the price tag. “A hundred and eighteen bucks, girl.” She flipped through the pages. “I think I cracked it open maybe…um…three times. The teacher didn’t like teaching from books.” She tossed it in the ‘give away’ pile and dug back into the box.
    Lea had volunteered to help Brie move in to Sir’s apartment. However, Sir had suggested the two first sort through the boxes, dividing them into three piles: ‘keep’, ‘toss’, and ‘give away’. It was proving to be a daunting task.
    Lea held up several DVDs. “What are these?”
    Brie broke out into a grin. “That is my documentary, missy. I like to keep it on as many different formats as I can so there’s no chance of losing it.” She dug into her pocket. “Here it is on my USB drive.”
    “What? You keep it with you all the time?” Lea asked in amazement.
    “Not normally.” She laughed. “But Sir wants me to start working on it again.” She looked around guiltily. “I know we should be working, but you wanna take a peek at what I have so far?”
    Lea nodded vigorously.
    Brie grabbed her computer and the two sat on boxes as she loaded it up. “I’ve been working on the first time you came to my apartment. Do you remember that night, after our first auction?”
    “Oh, Master Harris! He was so damn sexy in his doctor getup and with all those naughty instruments…”
    “Yeah, you pretty much were crushing on him that night.”
    Brie hit play and the two started giggling as they listened to their detailed summaries of the day-long auctions.
    “We were such newbies then,” Brie snickered. She pointed to her face in the video. “See, that’s me, trying not to look totally freaked out when you talk about him inserting the instruments.”
    Lea leaned in to take a closer look, and burst out laughing. “I had no idea. I thought you shared my lust for the man.”
    “No, I thought you were nuts to want to play ‘doctor’ with anyone.”
    Lea sat back. “Well, that’s funny, since you spent time with Master Harris yourself, and if I recall right, you loved it.”
    “ Doctor Harris was nice, but he couldn’t compare to Rytsar.”
    Lea shifted uneasily, causing Brie to wonder if her girlfriend still had a major crush on the doctor.
    Lea lifted her hands up to her face and batted her eyes, imitating Brie’s excitement from that night. “Just look at the way you’re glowing as you talk about the Russian. I thought for sure you had fallen in love with the Dom, the way you were gushing.”
    Brie hit pause on the computer. “Well, I admit I definitely had a crush on Rytsar.” She smiled self-consciously. “I actually cried when the night was over.”
    Lea burst into giggles. “That’s my stinky cheese, falling for every man she scenes with.”
    “Like you’re any better! Remember how sad you were when Master Harris sent me an apple?”
    Lea rolled her eyes. “You already had the handsome Russian and Tono. As if you needed another man on your chastity belt.”
    Brie bumped her shoulder. “I still think you and Master Harris would make a fine pair, you know.”
    She looked at Brie coyly. “Oh, we have enjoyed a few scenes since…”
    Lea giggled again. “Don’t try collaring me with the man, girlfriend. I’m enjoying myself too much right now. So many directions I could go—I can’t decide.”
    Brie decided to ask the question that she’d been longing to ask for weeks. “What

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