about Ms. Clark?”
Darn, if Lea didn’t turn bright pink all over.
“Spill the beans, girl!” Brie demanded.
Lea looked positively love-struck when she answered. “We haven’t actually scened together since graduation, but she’s taken me to a couple of clubs. Let’s just say, I think there’s a deeper connection brewing between us.”
The thought of dating Ms. Clark made Brie shiver—and not in a good way. “So, have you learned anything more about her?”
Lea’s voice dropped down to a whisper. “I think she has a thing for the Russian.”
Brie was so shocked, she blurted, “What?!”
“Shh… I’m only telling you because you’re my best friend.”
Brie shook her head to clear it. “OMG, things are suddenly making sense. That’s why she was so weird when he won me at the auction…and it explains her strange reaction when he rated me higher than she expected.” She giggled into her hand. “Mistress Clark and Rytsar? I can’t even picture it.”
“Well, apparently neither can the Russian. Poor Mistress Clark is suffering from unrequited love.”
“But… Ms. Clark ? Is she even capable of submitting to someone else?”
Lea shrugged. “Guess it just takes the right individual.”
The revelation put the Domme in a whole new light. Ms. Clark was looking for love—no different than the rest of humanity. She’d just managed to hide it under an exterior of impenetrable force.
“I always thought she was of the ‘female’ persuasion,” Brie protested.
“Oh, no, I have seen her with male submissives. God, she is sexy when she subdues them.”
“Yeah, that woman is multitalented. You don’t know this, but she has many admirers. Unfortunately, the only one she really desires is the one who turned her down.”
“What? Rytsar knows how she feels?”
“Yeah. From what I gather, Sir was somehow involved. Whatever happened, she ended up very hurt and resentful.”
“It’s a wonder she still works at the Center.”
Lea gave her a sad smile. “I think Mistress Clark holds out hope the Russian will change his mind, and she wants to be here when he does. I can’t tell you how unhappy she was when Sir quit, as he’s her only link to Rytsar.”
Brie shook her head slowly, unable to process this new side to the female trainer. “How is it that a dominant personality could think that way?”
“Love does strange things to people,” Lea answered. “But I tell you this, if I could take Ms. Clark’s pain away, I would.”
Brie looked at her friend, understanding the deeper meaning behind the statement. “So are you telling me that you’re in love with her?”
Lea tilted her head and looked at Brie with a solemn expression. “At this point I’m not sure if I can distinguish between love and lust. All I know is that the world is a much better place when I’m around her. She makes me feel alive like no one else, not even the doctor.”
A random thought flashed through Brie’s head. “Does that mean you’re jealous of Rytsar?”
Lea became flustered, which was so uncharacteristic of her. “I… Hmm… Good question. I’ll have to get back to you on that.”
Ms. Clark in love with Rytsar…what a tangled mess!
She nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw Sir in the doorway. How long had he been standing there? Brie stood up and addressed him. “Yes, Sir?”
“There has been a change of plans. Marquis just called, claiming Celestia is in dire need of company. He said she been lonely since returning home from the hospital. We’ll be leaving in an hour.” He looked at her laptop sitting on the box. “Finish what you can and reschedule for a later date.”
Brie felt guilty, knowing she had wasted time gossiping with Lea when she should have been unpacking. “We will, Sir.”
Her friend looked up at Sir with a guilty expression, as if she had failed him too.
“I am glad you came today. Brie never laughs as much as when she is