
Documentary Read Free Page B

Book: Documentary Read Free
Author: A.J. Sand
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browser to look up Kai White through Google. “Released a solo album. He’s made a ton of money from songwriting and producing. Cool endorsements here and there. He lost some after the fight. He worked on a clothing line with a rapper friend of his. He likes to surf, too. Ew, he threw up on stage once during a concert. He’s gotten into tons of fights after concerts. Sounds like a winner,” Kate mused out loud as they read through sites. She pulled up Google Images next and made complimentary noises when the screen filled with photos of him: some old magazine covers, some of him performing and a few of him in a wetsuit. He was gorgeous, and exactly what Dylan was attracted to: dark wavy hair that hung wildly, almost to his shoulders, ever-present facial hair, and blue eyes.
    When Kate came to a shirtless picture, she enlarged the sheet of tan muscle that stretched down his torso, scrolling to check out the muscular indentation at his hi ps that Winslow often referred to as “the panty droppers.” And if the celebrity gossip websites were true—and sometimes they were—plenty of panties had been dropped. In an instant, Dylan’s whole body felt like she was sitting in a sauna.
    But Kate made a disgusted face when she lowered her phone. “Cute or not, he seems like a disaster, and not the kind where you’re both tolerable train wrecks, and in the midst of the fucked-up-ness, it just sort of works out due to some sort of cosmic fuckery.”
    Dylan held her gaze on her friend in silence before she laughed. “Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out. Like you and Ryan?”
    “Exactly,” Kate said with pointed emphasis and a nod. “You totally get it. Kai just seems crazy crazy.”
    Dylan laughed. “The fighting makes things a little iffy, but I’m definitely going to the interview. I might as well.” Her tone probably came off as deceivingly nonchalant, but her hopefulness was mounting. This was the chance of a lifetime. Even though she was interested in full-length documentaries, she would be directing her own web series with a famous subject, as a college student. She wanted this, much like she had wanted to be in Professor Jordan’s class two years ago. Another thing driving her was the aspect of losing her brother that had hurt her as much as his actual death. They had been unable to complete the bucket list they had created together for him. They were five short, including the one about seeing his sister’s major directorial debut.
    Dylan typed out a short email to Nina Sanchez and listed preferred dates and times for her interview. Her phone soon emitted a short buzz , and it turned out to be a response. That was quick. The interview was scheduled for Friday at 10 am.
    “I saw Low’s schedule of winter break fun. She is not going to be happy with you.” Kate tucked her belongings into her bag when the quad’s tower clock gonged, and embraced Dylan before dashing toward one of her insanely difficult classes. Dylan and Winslow had planned to hang out for a few days during Christmas break when they were both back on the East Coast. While Kate was trying to ease Dylan out of this newly developed shell, Winslow was going at it with a pick and a sledgehammer. And maybe she needed both methods.
    “I know,” Dylan shouted after her as she stood up too, but she could handle Winslow not being happy with her; it was Kai’s people she was worried about.

The Interview – Chapter 2
    Dylan pushed the bathroom door open and let some of the steam waft out before she stepped in. It had to be over a hundred degrees in there, but Winslow’s showers were usually scalding. Dylan brushed her hand across the foggy mirror. She drew on a light, almost nude shade of lip stain that a saleswoman had cajoled her into buying after she swore that it complemented Dylan’s olive complexion. She pulled her thick, dark hair into a ponytail and fashioned it into a high bun. She laughed at her reflection, thinking she looked

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