grew heavy. He tilted his hips and thrust upward, causing her to cry out again.
“Ride me, lass,” he rasped, stirring her with his cock. She gripped his shoulders as they moved against each other in a lovers’ erotic embrace.
“You are going to be mine.” She uttered a gasp against his neck.
Not likely. “Tonight, yes.”
“Forever. I cannot have but one night with thee.” Her tongue slowly licked the side of his throat before she bit him.
Dane’s cock surged with a powerful rush of blood, causing his back to bow. Then wave after wave crashed over him in a fiery pulse. He sucked in a breath, swept away in the tide of their explosive joining. The pleasure was profound and eerily addictive.
As his mind regained some of its sanity, he felt her lips against his skin and a strong tugging sensation on his neck.
Is she drinking? Bloody hell, is this woman crazed? Warning bells went off inside him. His rational mind warred with the exquisite rush of erotic sensations bombarding him. He was becoming increasingly dizzy and an icy fear swept over him, finally dousing the flames of his desire. As if sensing his change, she snarled, sinking deeper into his flesh.
“What the hell are you doing to me, woman?” He seized her by the back of the skull, using her hair as leverage to try to pry her off. Pain exploded through his neck as skin and tendons tore. She hissed like a wild animal, refusing to release him.
“Demon, get off me!” he roared. Fear swept through him. He grabbed her shoulders and head-butted her. She flew backward against the seat. Her eyes were hooded, fangs glistening red with his blood as it ran down the sides of her mouth.
“I’ve wanted to taste you for months. Now that I’ve had you, you’ll not escape me.”
“Taste—you bit me.” He shook his head in disbelief.
She grinned. “Yes, and now I’ll finish what has begun between us!” She lunged for him again.
“The bloody hell you will,” he cursed, barely escaping her reach. He kicked the carriage door open, hurling his body forward, landing face first on the ground below. Rocks and debris bit into his skin as his shoulder hit the hardened earth and his body rolled until he finally came to rest alongside a deserted road.
Get up, run, you fool. You can’t lie here , his mind screamed in warning. He heard the horses whinny in protest as the carriage wheels squealed to a stop and the carriage spun around.
She’s coming back. He tried to get up. But his limbs were like deadweights. He pushed off the ground and finally got to his feet. The world around him spun and he could only take a few steps before his legs gave way and he fell forward. Mercifully, he landed in some tall weeds.
“Help me gather him,” Dane heard her snarl at the carriage driver. Fear crept up his spine. But he was too weak to move or fight them off. What had he gotten himself into?
“Milady, dawn approaches, we should go.”
“You’ll help me gather him or live to regret it.”
The male sighed and Dane heard heavy boots hit the ground. “Wait—hear that?” The driver paused, alarm lacing his words. “The Order, they’re here. If you value your head, leave him, we must go.”
“No!” she shrilled. There was scuffling, a loud whistle and the slap of leather as the carriage took off.
What scared them off? Dane struggled to sit up. The moon illuminated the path. His nightmare had fled, leaving him battered and bleeding to die alongside some godforsaken road. But it was better than the alternative. He was a mess and had no idea how he was going to get back to town. He was so weak.
“Not good,” he groaned, falling back against the earth as his vision faded in and out of focus. He touched his ravaged neck, trying to put pressure on the gaping wound, without much hope of stopping the flow of blood.
I’m done for.
The snapping of twigs caught his attention as the shape of a large male in a long coat stepped into view. His hair was pulled back