Take This Man: Gay Romance Stories

Take This Man: Gay Romance Stories Read Free

Book: Take This Man: Gay Romance Stories Read Free
Author: Unknown
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distance; already I was feeling the first warning flickers, the flashes of lightning in my cock. Focus. Focus on him .
    “Again, bite me some more—”
    “No!” I gathered him to me and surged into him, jolting his body with each savage thrust, lost to everything but the need to come, to empty my seed into him, flood him, fuck him, fuck him—
    “Yeah, baby, yesss …”
    I half-heard his crooning moan but then there was nothing, nothing more of him or of me. I lifted into the vortex, my climax spinning me, spinning me, and I convulsed into ecstasy and I broke apart.
    Sated and dreamy, I cuddled into him, drifting comfortably down into sleep. He moved slightly and I hooked my leg over his thigh and pressed a kiss onto his chest. It was wet with sweat and smelled of sex. I caressed his belly; it was damp too, slightly sticky. Sleepiness evaporating in a sudden cold rush, I swam back to the surface. Damp . No slippery wash of semen. My eyes snapped open. “Iain?”
    “You didn’t come.”
    His arm tightened around my shoulder. “I didn’t, love, no.”
    “But…” I sat up. “Why not? What’s the matter?” I yanked the sheet away and stared in disbelief at his erect cock, the glans shiny, straining against its frenulum. “ Iain ?”
    “Come here.” He pulled me down and kissed the top of my head. “I stopped myself coming.”
    “But why? How the hell did you stop yourself coming?”
    “After the pounding you gave me, you mean?”
    “I can do it when I want to. Chris, listen. We got married but a marriage has to be consummated, doesn’t it?”
    “Does it?”
    “Yeah, I think it does. The way I see it, two men, well…how would it work for two men?” Under my cheekbone, his heart had taken on a rapid, thumping beat. After a moment, he said quietly, “They both fuck. They fuck each other.”
    I smiled as I finally understood. “Yes.”
    He rolled onto me and kissed me savagely, grinding my lips against my teeth. “Where’s the lube?”
    “I don’t know, it’s here somewhere…”
    “Better find it quick-smart, babe, because your husband is going to fuck you.” He reached his hand over my hip to my ass. “Fuck you forever.”

    D. K. Jernigan
    T his was the worst fucking idea, ever .” My headlamp illuminated Rick from behind, and I glared daggers at his back; not that he was paying any attention. Ahead of him, his own light only seemed to cut a small slice from the oppressive dark that closed in around us. “Cave hiking sucks. I want to go back.”
    “I told you, I’ve done this before. Don’t be such a baby.”
    So much for our big, romantic day off. With our demanding schedules, it was hard for Rick and me to coordinate time off together, and this was how we were spending the day? “We’re lost.”
    “We’re not lost. I swear, I know where we are. Do you want me to show you on the map, again?”
    “No, what I want is to go back!” We’d been walking through darkness for about an hour, the only illumination coming from the lamps mounted on our hard hats. Outside, it was a good ninety degrees, but in here the temperature plummeted, and I was already wearing the heavy coat Rick had insisted I bring. And “hike” was a bit of a misnomer, too. Sure, there was hiking. There was also scrambling over rocks, crouching in low passages and climbing up short rock walls. It was dark, it was scary and I was on the verge of seriously freaking out.
    Ahead of me, Rick sighed. I could see the tension in his shoulders and took it as yet another sign that we were lost. And doomed. I kicked a small rock on the ground, and Rick winced as the crack of its impact with the wall echoed around us. He turned, carefully keeping the headlamp pointed down and away from my face, and I glared straight at him.
    “This was stupid. We’re never going to get out of here.”
    “No,” he said, with exaggerated patience. “We’re fine. We’re almost there. If you don’t

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