Rodeo (BBW Cowboy Romance) (BBW Western Romance)

Rodeo (BBW Cowboy Romance) (BBW Western Romance) Read Free

Book: Rodeo (BBW Cowboy Romance) (BBW Western Romance) Read Free
Author: Cristina Grenier
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was worried that Tommy would be upset or angry by my decision but he was in actual fact the opposite of those actions.  Putting his arms around my shoulders and bringing me into his body, he reassuringly stroked the top of my head.
    “You're right Blondie.  I don't like that you're right, but you're right. We can wait.”
    Turning back towards the house I felt a surge of disappointment but I knew I'd made the right decision.  We walked back hand in hand and just before we reached the opening to the woods Tommy kissed my hand and let it go.  Smiling back at him we went our separate ways physically but that night we stayed mentally as one.  It might have been the wrong thing to do in person but it didn't stop it from entering my dreams that night.
    It was a few days later when I next saw Tommy, it wasn't strange that we could spend days on end together, we always found something to do in our spare time but we did spend quite a lot of time apart too.  By the third day of absence I was beginning to think I'd offended him until his blonde hair appeared over the fence.
    “You ready for the tree house today, Blondie?” he asked, beaming a cheeky smile.
    “Not today, Thomas. I'm only three days older since you last asked.” It was that easy, our relationship was natural and we understood each other perfectly.
    I can't pretend that the situation was easy though, we both had feelings and neither could do anything about it, talk about hormonal frustration.  We just got on with it and realized that it was something that would happen when we were both good and ready, the bigger problem was that we were both good and ready, it was my age that was getting in the way, nothing else, I'd never discussed it with Tommy but if he was experiencing the same excitement and tension as I was, then he was in trouble.
    Without actually realizing it, we became closer and closer.  Every waking moment not spent at work in the farms, we spent together.  Cycling to the markets, tucking ourselves away in the barn lofts or even lying head to head in the cornfields watching the stars, we were content in each other's company.  This only confirmed to me how much love and respect Tommy had for me, if he didn't he wouldn't be spending his time with me and would have gone to release his frustrations elsewhere.
    At least once or maybe even twice a week Tommy would playfully repeat his question and my reply would always be the same, I couldn't fault him for his lack of patience.  On my fifteenth birthday he asked if now was the right time but, yet again, I rebuffed his advances.  Bless him, God loves a trier as my grandmother would say.
    During the summer holidays that year I found myself spending less time with Tommy as I was expected to study hard for my exams.  Less time was spent working the farm as my grandparents granted me time off but I missed the long runs down to the lake and the chilling out in the stables before supper each night.  I wasn't being locked in or anything like that so I would often sneak down to spend some alone time with the horses before locking up the stables for the night. 
    As well as daydreaming about Tommy my thoughts often drifted off into what would happen in my future.  I was considered bright and was doing very well at school; I'd flown through my exams and awaited my results with confidence.  There'd always been talk of me attending university and my grandparents encouraged this with pride, I loved living in the countryside and I adored working on the farm but I wanted more.  I'd watched my grandparents working their fingers to the bone on a daily basis and although it was to provide a sufficient way of living I knew that my brain would take me to higher places. 
    This was where Tommy and I differed.  Spending a lot of time with one another made a lot of time to talk and whenever we'd discussed the future, Tommy's future never ran further than the running of the

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