they were feeding the five thousand then there would still be too much!
A couple of my grandfather's friends would also bring along the instruments they'd lovingly learnt to play over the years and Sue, Tommy's mother would always give us a song at some point of the celebration. As soon as we'd got the embarrassing bit out of the way, which was everyone singing 'Happy Birthday' to me, the party got into full swing and there weren't many people sitting down for the rest of the night.
As the sun went down, the midges and mosquitoes came out to join us, the crickets accompanied the music and the stars gave us light – it was, as usual, a perfect night. As Randy Travis songs were played out into the night darkness, the stars and the smiles from everyone's faces gave me all the more reason to enjoy myself. I looked over towards the outskirts of the bar and noticed that Tommy also wore a grin like a Cheshire cat and what was even nicer was that he was smiling in my direction.
Like a vampire in the dead of the night, Tommy appeared beside me. There were no words, no look between us, just a comfortable silence as we took in the scene. Our families and friends were lost in music, happy in each other's company and taking a well-earned rest from all the hard work they did on a daily basis, people were letting their hair down, relaxing and enjoying their free time, suddenly it wasn't just about my particular birthday, it was about coming together and being a community.
I was very aware of Tommy's presence even though there wasn't anything in particular happening between us, he silently poured something into my glass, I'd been drinking, or rather sneaking beer from all the half empty glasses that were littered around the place but when I put the fresh drink to my lips it smelled and tasted a lot sweeter than beer.
“It's champagne and I bought it especially for you,” Tommy stated, proudly.
I smiled to myself, 'were Tommy's intentions to ply me with the good stuff and then apply his wicked way in my direction?' whatever he did intend to do, if this was the case then I was no longer in a position to deny him that, I was at last, of age and the excuse, although it wasn't an excuse at all, wasn't valid anymore.
I could have played hard to get but, personally, I think I'd made Tommy wait long enough and it wasn't like I didn't want him to make advances on me. I was ready, in my heart and in my head I was totally prepared to accept what the night would bring.
We continued to drink, although I was mindful of how much I was actually drinking, I didn't want the whole experience to be blighted by alcohol but I was also sure that drinking just enough would take off the edge from my nerves and perhaps allow me to be slightly bolder than complete sobriety.
I trusted Tommy one hundred percent and it had never crossed my mind for one second that he wouldn't guide me with respect and tenderness, despite this being a first time experience, it was an experience I was looking forward to. Tonight I was going to lose my virginity and it was going to be with someone I had grown to love over the time we'd known and spent time with each other.
As the party started to wind down, the music began to soften and the embers from the barbeque faded away into the night air. My grandmother was tipsily attempting to tidy the remainder of the food away and I couldn't help but giggle to myself as she piled some plates onto one of the hay bales and then caught it with her knee as she bent to pick them up, the whole bale swayed to one side and the plates crashed to the ground. Loving and firm, as he always was, my grandfather took her arm and maneuvered her away from the devastation,
“Eva, I know it's your night but I think Grandma should call it a night, would you mind clearing this lot up before you come up to bed?” He was now taking on my grandmother's full weight as the alcohol rapidly