
Revenge Read Free

Book: Revenge Read Free
Author: Joanne Clancy
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target. I a po logise for my bluntness but that is our policy.
    Please send the photographs of the targets with their names and addresses as soon as possible.
    Stop worrying about other people. They do not know anything and never will know. Let us do our job and try to relax. If you worry you will make a mistake and there is no room for error or suspicion.
    Date: Friday, 22 April 2011. 1.46 p.m.
    From: devils - revenge
    To: assassin_hire
    I assure you that I'm not trying to be awkward about payment. If you can successfully help me to escape from my intolerable situation then it's money well spent , in my opinion . Your suggestion is reasonable but I'm going to France next Tuesday and I have to withdraw the cash and leave it somewhere for you. However, as I've already explained, the two women could notice that the money is missing after I've left Ireland and they may tell my wife. There would be serious consequences for me if she found out about the withdrawal. I realise you plan to take care of her on Saturday, but I would be concerned that she might mention the missing money to someone else. She is very friendly with the neighbours and is on first name terms with most people in the complex and she might tell one of them about the withdrawal.
    I guarantee that I will pay the balance of any money I owe you after the jobs are completed. I have absolutely no intention of being your next target by not upholding my side of the deal! I have two children of my own and I plan on b eing around for them for a long time. They'll need me more than ever once their mother is gone. I feel guilty about taking their mother but she's left me no choice. She has put me in an impossible situation. My sons are another reason why I need to be careful. There's no way that I can end up in jail and leave them alone . When I confirm the job by paying you the deposit, I guarantee you that I'll finish it by paying you what I owe. 
    I've been considering our plans and I was wondering if it might be more believable if one of the women were to go first, followed a few months later by the other woman and then shortly after that by my wife. Initially, I wanted to get the job done at the same time because I figured that nobody would be left to question me about the missing money, but maybe it's the wrong idea. Your advice would be appreciated.
    I work in the same office as the targets and I used the computer at work to search online for a hitman some months ago. I didn't know then that I would go ahead with the idea, that's all it was at first; an idea. I'm assuming that if the job doesn't go according to plan and the police seize the computer, they could find evidence of my search. I have to get rid of the computer but I'll need your help.
    It's the weekend so I won't be able to talk to the bank about sanctioning a loan until Monday. I can't confirm until then whether or not I'll be able to get the deposit to you in time for the job to go ahead next weekend. I'll keep you informed.
    Date: Friday, 22 April 2011. 2.50 p.m.
    From: assassin_hire
    To: devils - revenge
    The plan is that we will get close to the two women in Ireland. I will fly to France alone and you can give me the keys to the apartment then. Leave the details to me.
    I need to pay my people to get the job done, which is why I have to be insistent about having some money upfront. The deal still stands as previously discussed. I will give you until Monday evening to organise the mone y. You can send it by courier for next day delivery. Then it will be with me by Tuesday. Your only other option is to go to another bank and transfer the money to me. I'm sure you can come up with a suitable excuse to tell your wife. You seem like an intelligent man. I'm sorry but without the deposit the deal is off.
    Try to be yourself. Don't act any differently or you will attract attention. You still haven't sent me the photographs which I need. We

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