
Revenge Read Free Page A

Book: Revenge Read Free
Author: Joanne Clancy
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don't want to target the wrong people! Let me know as soon as possible whether or not you can get the money because I need to book the flights and confirm our final plans.
    Date: Friday, 22 April 2011. 4.27 p.m.
    From: devils - revenge
    To: assassin_hire
    I want to be clear about the money. If you receive my deposit by Tuesday, via courier , will you go ahead with our plan? Will you agree to wait for the balance to be paid until after my wife is dead? This would be ideal for me. Please confirm that this is our agreement.
    Also, can you advise if you think it is better to kill all of them in a close time frame or would it be better to complete the job over a period of a few months; first one and then the others? It is imperative that I provoke as little suspicion as possible.
    I must explain to you about the boat. It's big and might be awkward to handle if you are on your own. The marina is quite a distance from the apartment so when you leave the complex you'll have to walk by lots of shops and vendors to get to the yacht. The shops are open until late in the evening and they know my wife very well. I think it might be difficult to get her out without raising suspicion and remember, I need it to appear as if she has committed suicide after hearing about the death of her friends. They've become close in the last few months and I know their death would have a det r imental effect on my wife.
    I think I need to explain some details to you so that you are aware of any complications which may arise. The apartment is on the top floor of a twelve stor y block. It has a private terrace and pool on the roof. My wife is friendly with an Irish couple who own the apartment next door. I believe they are in France at the moment but I'll need to double-c heck. The Irish couple also has a boat, which is located near our yacht and if they are not in their apartment they will be living aboard their boat; which is another reason why it might be difficult for you to get away with taking my wife out on it.
    My wife has mentioned that she'd like to go on a boat trip for a few days when I get there, but I'm not sure of the dates or location yet. I'm certain , wherever we end up going, as soon as she gets a phone call about the other women, she'll immediately return to the apartment and start making plans to return home to Dublin. However, she may decide to go directly to the airport from the marina and if she does then I don't know how you would have an opportunity to get to her.
    I'll be in France too, as I've already mentioned. How do you suggest we stay in contact?  I don't want to be around when you're there. I'll need to keep you informed about my wife's plans when she gets the news about the women.
    My wife has been suffering from post-natal depression. She's been improving recently; the medication seems to be helping but she still has black days where she can't even get out of bed. Maybe when she gets the news about the women you won't need to do anything at all except get your money! However it's important that I point out any potential obstacles to you. Her friends could be a problem. They might come back to the apartment to sympathise with her over the loss of the women. Th e Irish are like that and she knows quite a few Irish people in France.
    When you show up to finish the target would they ask who sent you? Would that be a regular occurrence, in your experience? Would the target usually offer to pay you more money to kill the person who ordered the hit instead of killing them?
    Date: Friday, 22 April, 2011. 5.02 p.m.
    From: assassin_hire
    To: devils - revenge
    I don't have much time today. Don't ever use the work computer. You have to delete everything.
    Date: Friday, 22 April 2011. 6.46 p.m.
    From: devils - revenge
    To: assassin_hire
    I'm concerned about the work computer. I mentioned previously that I searched for hitmen a few

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