months ago and I'm worried about the search being found later. I was talking to someon e from the computer company which services our computers and he advised that even deleted items can be retrieved. I'll have to come up with an excuse to remove the computer from the office before I leave. Do you think it might be better to wait u ntil we return from France to kill my wife? T here are potentially too many unknown variables out there which may impede the plan. I know the women will be taken care of on April 29th. My wife will return to Dublin as soon as she is contacted about their deaths. Then you could finish her by May 1st, which would give me more time to organise final payment to you. It's just an idea. The only problem with targeting my wife in Dublin is that my eldest son lives here with us and will probably be here, as will I. How would you get around that problem? It must look like my wife committed suicide. It's crucial. Her body cannot disappear, it must be there. Mark
Date: Saturday, 23 April 2011. 6.03 a.m. From: assassin_hire To: devils - revenge
Mark, We are a professional organisation. We will not double-cross you to make a deal with the target. It doesn't matter how much money they offer us, we will honour our contract with you. All you need to do is fulfill your side of the arrangement. Stop worrying! We need you to send the keys, photographs and of course the money plus the combination to the safe and the addresses of the targets. These items need to be sent by Monday morning. Do you keep a gun in the apartment in France? Maybe we can make it look as if your wife killed herself or that she jumped from the top floor. Leave the details to us. You should stay with your wife until you leave France with her body. We recommend that you do not leave her as it will seem suspicious. You'll need to play the part of the grieving widower, which I'm sure won't be a problem for you. Let us know your telephone number in France. We will contact you when we are finished in Ireland. Savannah
Date: Saturday, 23 April 2011. 8.32 a.m. From: devils - revenge To: assassin_hire
Savannah, Do you intend for us to talk on the telephone in France or meet in person? I could give you the money in cash. There is enough money in the safe in the apartment for me to give you the equivalent in euro of about twenty five thousand pounds sterling. I'll check exactly how much cash is there when I arrive on Tuesday and I'll let you know as soon as possible. Obviously, I won't be able to remove the money while my wife is in the apartment but I can give you the combination to the safe and you can help yourself later. Do not touch the money until she is gone. I'll send the keys to the apartment via courier and the deposit first thing on Monday morning. How long will it take for the authorities to r elease her body from France? I agree with you that I should stay with the body; leaving her would make people wonder. I will scan their photographs and send them to you on Monday. The telephone number is the same. I'll email you when I can talk. The more I think about it the more I realise that it is crucial that I remove the computer from the office. My wife and the two women work there but I don't want to leave the computer at work in case someone decides to check it. You never know. I've been thinking about the cashier's cheque. When you buy a cheque in Ireland the bank keeps a record of who you are and you have to get it at your own bank. It's a regulation. If anyone questions me about it later, I can say that I got it from my wife and that she asked me to send it. If the courier company has a record of the envelope, again, I'll say that my wife asked me to send it and she didn't tell me the details. I can't see it being a problem. My wife and these two women have put me in an impossible situation, which is why I'm taking such drastic action. Maybe I'll tell you the details some day. I loved my