she was terrible at it? She tried to play off the debilitating thoughts with a wavering smile for Professor Jordan, whose own enthusiasm was only intensifying.
“This job just sounds so wonderful! What’s your exam schedule like? Assignment starts a few days into December.”
“I have two finals early in the first week of exams, and a paper and your take-home that aren’t due until the end of the first week, but I can probably get them done during Dead Week.”
“ Great! This job would mean spending all of Christmas break with him, and his schedule is hectic. You’d be in Lahaina the first week, I believe, then he’s all over the place, but you would have this to your name forever, if you don’t mind his being a bit controversial. After graduation, the industry would be begging you to let them pay you. What do you think?”
“Sounds cool.” Dylan swept her fingers through her hair, contemplating the promise of the words. “Sounds amazing, actually. Thanks.”
Professor Jordan’s brow creased. “Okay, I know the job isn’t yours yet , and I wasn’t expecting you to destroy my office in celebration of being a finalist but, at least, I thought it would warrant a smile...maybe a gasp…” Professor Jordan smiled. “…Some sign of life.” Dylan gave her a weak smile, feeling a pulse of sadness in her chest that she had become very familiar with the past several months.
“I hope you’re not doubting your abilities because you know I’m using your final project from the Intermediate class as required viewing for my Independent Study students!”
Dylan chuckled then uncrossed and re-crossed her legs. “I know…and I’m honored. I’m nervous about taking on a huge project like this, but it also just feels so bittersweet…not being able to share this news with him.” Professor Jordan would know exactly what she meant. She walked to the other side of the desk and leaned against the edge.
“How have you been, Dylan? I mean, really. Your mom sent a thank you card for the flowers I had delivered to the funeral home.”
“Just adjusting, Professor J,” she said, unable, or maybe unwilling, to meet her eyes right away. “I’ll tell my mom you got it.”
Professor Jordan scribbled something quickly on a sheet of paper and handed it to her. “This is the information on the interview timeslots and the email address of the contact. Let her know either way, even though I want to insist that you go. I’m not saying your grade in the class depends on it, but…” She winked at her. Dylan laughed and relaxed a little as she raised her bag to her lap. Her excitement started to bubble up again as she read the document. It wasn’t just the information on the contact; it was the actual email from the contact announcing that she had been picked. Nina Sanchez, Kai’s manager and publicist, had stated that she was thoroughly impressed by Dylan. Dylan read back through the chain of emails until she found the actual job posting about filming Kai on the part of his multi-city tour preceding the Wintervention Music and Arts Festival in Fort Lauderdale and Miami where the film would screen. Professor Jordan was right. This was the door to her future she had been working so hard for. Now was the time to be confident and ambitious, not timid and worried.
“Okay, I’m in!”
“That’s what I like to hear!” Professor Jordan said with an enthusiastic clap. Dylan stood as she watched her beckon a student inside the office. She gave him a polite nod when she walked out and mouthed a thank you over his head. Outside, she ran back across the quad toward where she and her friends were supposed to meet. Winslow’s free time was over, but she would still be able to catch Kate before her class. As she neared the campus coffee shop at the student union, her phone buzzed and she answered it completely out of breath.
“Why are you breathing so hard? A little afternoon delight?” Kate said after a short gasp, and