grabbed the door knob and tried to close it, but her legs were in the path of the door. She quickly got back to her hands and knees, using the tub to assist her up. Dave stepped in next to Eric and kicked her hard in the butt causing her to fall into the tub. Now that her legs were no longer in the way a quick pull of the door and she was trapped. The door shook as she beat wildly on it. The sound of her heavy hand beat high on the door then followed by a dull thud. She beat the door with her left arm and hit the door with her right stub. Even being crippled the door shook wildly and with her large body smashing against it, they knew it would not be long before the door collapsed. Rod sat where he lay a second before and did not say a word. He just sat there with his right arm back to support his weight and his left arm held up in a defensive posture. Looking at his left hand, he realized his thumb had been buried in his wife’s eye. His thumb was covered in a thick liquid that streamed the colors of red and white with a black tar that mixed the two. Once he took in the colors and as soon as he recalled the incident, the searing pain of his broken thumb and sprained left wrist shot him back into reality. The pain was great, but he did not show it. He stood up and started to walk to the sink in the kitchen. Drew stood away from the fight with his back leaning against the three s tools that were under the bar in the kitchen. Dave cleared his throat, “We need to go.” He grabbed hold of Drew to shake him out of his shock. Who looked at him with complete confusion. Standing over the sink, Rod washed his hands gently so as to not move his thumb. “We need to get out of here.” He mumbled to himself. Eric moved to the door, grabbed Drew on his way out an d Dave followed. As they passed Rodriquez, Eric hollered to him, “Dude come on!” He pushed Dave and Drew passed him, “I’ll meet you at my Jeep.” He walked to Rod slowly as he stared at the stainless steel sink under his clean hands. “Rod, your son and Dave are going to my car, “Eric said softly,” and we need to go with them.” The banging of the bathroom door was followed by a crack. Eric looked down the hallway to see a bloody hand hanging out of the door ripping at the hole it just made. “Rod the door is not going to hold for much longer. We need to GO!” Eric started talking quietly and ended up screaming. Rod stared at the reflection of himself in the distorted stainless steel curve of the sink. Black and red blood slowly drained into the sink and his distorted reflection looked as if he himself were a crazed person covered in blood, staring back at him. Eric seeing he was not making any connection with his comatose friend, smacked his partially clean left hand turning him into a screaming maniac. “Dude come on!” Eric screamed back pulling on the collar of his shirt. As if Rod was listening the entire time he ran past Eric and through the front door. Eric ran behind him and turned as he grabbed the door knob. The same time he turned for the door was the same time Julie’s head broke through the bathroom door. As soon as she looked at him, the front door slammed with no hesitation behind Eric.
Chapter 2 The Road
They traveled to the second level watching as more wild people seemed to appear out of nowhere. “I’m going to grab my gun.” Dave said and ran back up the stairs. As he ran a low growl that turned into a wild scream came from behind them. Before anyone knew what was going to happen, Rodriguez pushed Drew back against the green wooden railing and stood in front of him. Eric turned to see a man wearing a torn button up shirt that used to be white before his blood completely covered it and a black neck tie hung loosely around