NAKED Cheerleader and other Stories
a knock at the door and felt her
heart palpitating in exciting anticipation. She looked up to see
Jason had appeared in the doorway with a familiar smile on his
    That was the thing with them. They didn’t
technically know each other that well but there always seemed to be
such an unspoken connection between them.
    “Hi there, Miss Hancock,” he said jauntily as
he walked purposefully into the classroom. She got up to greet him
and shook his hand awkwardly. It seemed as though such a formality
was unnecessary given their sexual connection, unrealized as it may
    Jason headed to the regular seat in front of
her desk that she had brought in especially for him. Then Mary
headed towards the door to close it. She was thankful the doors at
this school didn’t have windows. It made for a less distracting
teaching environment. And more intimate meeting place.
    She returned to her desk and looked Jason
squarely in the eyes.
    “Mr. Rawlings, you never mentioned why you
wanted this parent teacher conference. What is it you would like to
discuss today?” She shifted in her seat behind the desk. The
movement made her pussy cry out for attention, preferably from
    Jason was looking at her with a warm smile. It
was different from the other times she’d seen him. He looked less
casual. Was he nervous?
    “Well, Miss Hancock,” he said formally. “I want
to know why Conner wasn’t invited to the advanced REACH program. I
was sure he would be. The boy is gifted.”
    “Those invitations are based on test scores and
teacher recommendations. The recs don’t come into play that much.
It’s mainly test scores. I’d have to look up his scores in the
office to see what we’re talking about here,” Mary replied. She
noticed that his manner was aggressive, but his eyes still shown in
a kind manner. She couldn’t read what was going on with him, but
she knew it wasn’t normal.
    “I have them right here. They were mailed last
week, but there was no accompanying letter of
    Mary watched as he halfway got up from his
chair to retrieve the papers from his back pocket. She noticed his
athletic thighs under his jeans along with his narrow waist. Her
eyes started to drift towards his crotch for a second before she
caught herself and looked down. Had she seen a bulge there? She
couldn’t be sure.
    Before she could look again, he slid the papers
across her desk and sat back down. She took them and glanced up to
eyes briefly to acknowledge their receipt. Upon meeting his eyes,
heat and awareness of her body washed over her. The spark that she
had felt was there without a doubt.
    It seemed like a charade, what they were doing.
But she had no actual reason to believe he was anything more than a
concerned parent. There were no overt gestures. It might have all
been in her mind. She hoped not.
    The test scores were high which she remembered.
Conner had always been a bright and capable student. But it looked
like his scores were 2 points under the cutoff for the
    “I’m sorry Mr. Rawlings. His scores just barely
missed the mark.”
    “But they were close, yes? Can’t you put in a
recommendation?” Mary took in his pleading face and wanted to give
him anything he wanted. But she hadn’t recommended a student who
had scored under the threshold before. She didn’t know how it would
    Mary nervously fidgeted with her pen on her
desk and brought it to her mouth to chew it. She’d had that nervous
habit since she was a kid. “I’ve never done that before Mr.
    “Please, call me Jason,” he said standing from
his chair and coming around to casually lean on her side of the
large desk. “I only want the best for my son. And you probably know
how beneficial this program is for kids.” He paused, waiting for an
    “I do, but-“
    “Then you know that as a good dad I would do
anything to help my son succeed.

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