Winter's Salvation

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Book: Winter's Salvation Read Free
Author: Jason Deyo
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toward the thirteen year old.  Drew turned toward his mother fast and took a step backwards just as she fell on top of him.  The boy disappeared under his mother’s huge body.  Julie’s head flew up and back with a mouth full of black curly hair.  She placed her hands on his head and ripped the hair from his head.  Eric and Rod both jumped on her as she opened her mouth for another bite from her son.   
    Drew arched his back and turned his head screaming as his mother’s mouth was inches from biting into his cheek.  His hands were pushing against Julies eyes and were small in comparison to her obese face and gaping mouth. 
    Eric yanked back on her hair, as Rodriquez pressed his small forearm against her throat and pressed his body between the child and Julie.  Drew tried to push out from under her body, but Julie had two hands full of black curly hair in her fists and pulled his head toward her mouth.
    Blond hair pulled free from Julies head, leaving large chunks in Eric’s hands, causing him to fall backwards down the hall.  He was up in seconds and was back on top of the raging woman trying to pull her head back.  Drew’s body was out from under his mother, but she had him by the hair and was pulling him back in.  Eric pulled his small pocket knife from his back pocket and began sawing through the black hair from one of her hands.  He quickly went to work on the other hand, when she let go and reached for Rod that had taken Drew’s place under her. 
    From behind Julie, Eric grabbed hold of her right wrist and quickly twisted it up and out to her side as much as he could in the confines of the hallway.  “Let go Julie!” Eric screamed, while he twisted her arm back and up over her right shoulder.  Any other person would be screaming in agony and trying to be still to stop the pain, but she pressed forward, pulling Rod into her.  Eric felt her right arm snap and let go of it in shock.  The forearm waved wildly as she used the stump of her arm to get closer to the victim under her. 
    Rod pushed up on her face and his left thumb accidently, but deeply thrust into her right eye.  He tried to pull it out, but his elbow was propped on the ground and with her pushing against it trying to bite him he could not pull it free.  His thumb penetrated her eye socket and a black greasy fluid leaked over and into the palm of his hand.  The black liquid continued to leak from her eye until her face laid flush with his palm and his thumb jammed deeper into her eye socket, stopping the leaking fluid. 
    Eric straddled Julie’s back and grabbed her by her throat and pulled back.  As her head pulled away Rod tried to pull his thumb from her head.  She quickly turned her head to bite at the hand that was being pulled free from her eye. 
    Without either of them seeing, David pulled up on her left arm.  “Grab the other arm!” he shouted.  Eric let go of her neck and her head jutted forward.  Rod screamed in pain as he felt his left thumb bend back and a sharp pain shot through his wrist. 
    Eric fumbled to grab at her flopping right arm.  Her arm twisted and spun as she supported her weight on the stump of her right arm.  He finally grabbed her by the upper part of her elbow and her arm pit. 
    “Throw her in the bathroom!”  Dave shouted over Rod’s screams and the growl of the beast that had been Julie. 
    Eric turned to see how far he would have to pull her to get to the bathroom.  The bathroom was to his right a few feet behind him.  A couple steps back, he felt her weight being shifted to his side as Dave picked her up. 
    As they lifted her to her feet, she turned her attention to Eric.  She snapped at his face as they began to guide her to the door.  She lunged at Eric ripping from Dave’s grip, but Eric was able to side step forcing her to trip and fall face first into the bathroom.  She hit her head on the white tube and black blood appeared down the side of the white porcelain.  Eric

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