Under His Claw

Under His Claw Read Free

Book: Under His Claw Read Free
Author: Viola Grace
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smelled like open prairie, which was not a smell she associated with vampires.
    When he taped it in place, he patted it lightly before turning the burning ruby gaze on her once again. “How long until you can do it again?”
    “Once a day is best. Every two days is better. Smaller wounds can be healed at the same time, but only a wound the size of my hand can be healed at once if it is a deep wound.”
    He cocked his head. “You claim to have healed dozens, but I have never heard of you before.”
    She swallowed. “There is a reason for that. The clutch of nightsiders which kept me prisoner and had me heal them; my mother killed them all and burned their nest to the ground.”
    He reached out and stroked her hair with his icy hand. “I can understand why. Such a treasure.”
    She stared into his eyes and she knew without doubt he wasn’t going to let her out of his sight. Zora was now the healer to the vampire king of Arbor.
    She wondered what the dental plan was like.
    Four days later, she was standing beside the throne in a designer suit and heels with the bangles of ownership on her wrists. Her apartment had been cleared out and all of her information had been registered with the nightsider government. She was officially in the employ of the vampire king, and when it came to vampires, employee meant possession.
    Three days had healed some of the more obvious marks on Olvadi. It had also been enough time to witness a portion of the full debauchery of the dark court.
    Her days took on a pattern. She woke around two, got showered and dressed. Ate and, to her surprise, she was responsible for some of the communications of the vampire king. She was now one of an army of flunkies who had to make calls on behalf of Olvadi, invitations accepted and declined.
    Speaking to other nightsiders at gatherings was odd. Like anyone else, she had seen shifters on the news and felt certain she had seen them on the street, but actually calling their prides, clans, covens, and coalitions was bizarre.
    By the time the vampires rose, all the calls were made, the living ate again, brushed their teeth and attended the evening events in whatever capacity they were hired for. Zora wanted to make friends with some of the girls with a pulse, but they were hired as decorative food, and it felt like talking with a ham with good fashion sense.
    Octavia was usually at her side, with Wilhelm and Michael nearby. Octavia had been granted a reconstruction on the second day. Zora hoped to work on her other breast at a later time. Two hundred years ago, many rural areas had not been so accepting of vampires and Octavia had met an inquisitor who didn’t like women. It was hard to see her new companion’s joy over regaining what should never have been taken.
    After petitions, everyone changed and the true dark court took over. No government members, no outside humans, just the vampires and shifters enjoying an evening. Thankfully, the king only dragged her to it on her second night. Casual nudity was not something Zora was familiar with before that night, but she was definitely familiar with it after.
    Tonight, she was standing behind Olvadi and trying not to watch the shifters in the crowd. A few of the bolder men had sniffed her and pronounced her tasty. It wasn’t a description she was comfortable with.
    Zora fidgeted a little and Octavia gave her a stern look. Zora sighed and remained still with her hands folded in front of her.
    The petitioner was asking for permission to marry, and the young man at his side looked pleased and nervous.
    Olvadi leaned forward. “Come here, child.”
    The young man quivered with eagerness but he obeyed, kneeling in front of the vampire king.
    Zora tried not to roll her eyes.
    “Do you have children, Antony?”
    The young man whispered, “No.”
    “Are you of age?”
    The young man’s eyes flickered and even Zora could see the lie before it came out. “Yes.”
    Olvadi leaned back with a sigh. “Petition

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