denied until he is twenty years of age, Leonard. You know the rules. It may have been acceptable at the turn of the century, but now, you must wait for eighteen months before you can reapply.”
“But, your majesty, he is willing.” The older vampire whined.
Olvadi looked at the petitioner. “And we have a treatise. Eighteen months and if you turn him before then or take him to another kingdom, you both end as ashes. Am I clear?”
Antony pleaded, “But he won’t love me if I am older.”
Olvadi smiled, leaned forward and stroked the young man’s hair. “Then, it is not love but lust, and you can both find better partners for it.”
It was the last petition of the night and Zora sighed with relief. If she were lucky it would be another healing night.
The court was dismissed, the king and his attendants filed out. When Octavia took Zora to her room and pulled out a wrapped chiffon gown, Zora winced. “Please tell me I don’t have to watch the orgy again.”
“Olvadi wants you to take a lover. Since we cannot have you with a vampire, we need to select one of the shifters for you.”
Zora froze as Octavia undressed her. “You said what now?”
“A lover. You overreact and have no emotional outlet amongst our kind, so Olvadi wishes you to have one from the upper rankings of the shifters. He would offer you to the elves, but they are disturbing in the extreme. I am not sure you are up to the stresses of having an ancient being as a lover.”
“Stop saying lover.” She shivered in her new silk underwear and lifted her arms for Octavia to drop the dress over her head. Being dressed was something she had gotten used to over the last few days. Octavia could move more quickly than she could and when the zipper went up, she stepped back and circled Zora so quickly the skirts flared.
“Take a look.”
Zora looked in the mirror, and as she watched, Octavia braided her hair into a loose coronet and pulled tendrils out to cover her neck with light wisps of dark hair. It was more of a tease to the vampires than it was an actual covering. The gown was black at the hem rising to a green around her waist which brightened to emerald at her shoulders. It made the amber of her eyes brighten in intensity and her black hair gave her skin an ivory cast. She could pass for a vampire if no one watched her move.
Octavia disappeared and reappeared in a cutout evening gown a minute later.
“Why a lover?”
“Because you flinch at our touch. Now, shall we go?”
It wasn’t really a question, so Zora went.
Chapter Three
Subtle music filled the air and dancers cavorted on wide tables. If not for the clothing, it could have been a scene out of ancient Rome.
Zora and Octavia followed Olvadi and the other two bodyguards to the head table. Zora sat on his right, Octavia on his left.
A tiny crystal glass full of blood donated by one of the employed humans was placed in front of Olvadi. He lifted it to his lips and inhaled briefly before drinking. Everyone relaxed and the music picked up in cadence and volume while food was provided for the vampires and the others in attendance.
Olvadi took Zora’s hand in his, and he spoke, “So, Zora. Which one would you like to have sex with?”
She blinked rapidly. “What?”
Even forewarned, she thought she had more time to think of a way to dissuade him.
“Warm bodies need contact to remain emotionally healthy, and since contact with vampires disturbs you, you will take one of the shifters here as your lover. They have all agreed to honor your choice.”
She blinked. “They have agreed?”
Olvadi waved his hand around the room.
Zora noted a lot of faces turned toward hers. “They have all been invited here because of their position and attractiveness. Octavia selected them all.”
“I don’t want to.”
His hand tightened into an icy cuff. “You will choose, or they will. If they have to fight for your attentions, I cannot guarantee your safety, and since I have