took her hand and lifted it to his lips. “And the truth is, you look ravishing this mor ning.”
She waved him off, embarrassed. “You always say that.”
“And it is true each time I mentio n it.”
With captivating brown eyes, a devilish grin and broad, muscular shoulders that narrowed down to a trim waist, Cavaliere Bruno Nestore was Marisa’s War Counselor and every young woman’s dream. At twenty-eight, the sandy-haired warrior already had several battles under his belt. The youngest man ever to earn the rank of Paladin Knight, Bruno had risen from an obscure teen to one of the most celebrated heroes of Crocetta in just a few short years. And, together with his boyhood friends Prince Darian and Lord Domenico, he was regarded as one of the kingdom’s most eligible bachelors. Although he took each opportunity to reinforce his image as a shameless flirt with the ladies, nothing took higher priority in his life than his duty as a sword sman.
His reputation with the ladies was surpassed only by his reputation with the sword, the latter not escaping the palace’s notice. The evidence of the court’s high regard for his special talents manifested itself when Bruno was charged with the task of instructing Marisa and Mark in the art of self-defense. From the moment Darian asked him to train them, Bruno took over the command of their daily protection detail. Their safety and security became the most important duty of his life, and the level of trust the palace had bestowed upon him was a source of great p ride.
Although Bruno always maintained the appearance of formal propriety while they were in the company of others, the handsome warrior never missed an opportunity to flirt with the young monarch in private. The mischievous twinkle in his eyes betrayed his rebellious spirit and the irrepressible desire to breach etiquette. With all things being equal, he was just the sort of man she would have fallen for before she had met Da rian.
“You know, I think my ring is the problem,” she said, admiring the indigo-colored stone on her finger. It was her most treasured possession and the closest link to the mother she barely remembered. “I can’t grip the string correctly when I’m wearing it. I’ll take it off next time we prac tice.”
“I do not think that would be wise,” said a booming voice behind her. “You would probably just lose it a gain.”
“Darian!” she exclaimed. Thrusting her bow into Bruno’s chest, she spun around and hurried over to him.
Dressed in a grey fitted tunic, dark blue breeches, knee boots and a long black cloak that lightly brushed the ground, Darian’s massive frame closed the distance in just a couple of long str ides.
“Good afternoon, my love,” he said, gazing hungrily at her lips but gently pecking her on the cheek ins tead.
She frowned. “What was that supposed t o be?”
His lips curled into an amused smirk, but he didn’t an swer.
“A man knows when he is not wanted,” Bruno said, dipping a quick bow and grinning knowingly. “Your Highnesses, if you would please excus e me.”
He bent to kiss her hand, winking as he turned to leave. Darian moved up to slip his arms around her waist, engulfing her with his broad shoul ders.
“Still trying to impress my princess, is he? Perhaps he needs a gentle reminder that you are already spoken for.” He watched Bruno as he walked away, waiting until the brawny man glanced back before quickly covering her lips with his own.
Warmth radiated from his lips and traveled to her heart, sending tingles through her limbs. Her hand explored the coarseness of his hair, moving down to stroke the rough surface of his jaw as their lips moved against one another. She giggled between their kisses, her hands closing around his neck. His hands descended to the small of her back, pulling her against him and claiming her fully as his own.
Abruptly, he drew back, his eyes glimmering in the sunlight as he tried to catch his breath.