need of you.”
The pilot hesitated. “I should stay near the Sampati, my liege. It has a wild temperament.”
“Do you disobey me?”
“No, my liege. I would never dare such a thing. It’s just that . . . ”
“Come here.”
“Yes, my liege.”
The pilot stumbled forward, finally clambering onto the litter and staring into Invictus’ brown eyes.
“Give me your hand,” Invictus said.
“Yes, my liege.” The pilot held out his right arm.
“You must have misunderstood my command,” Invictus said. “Must I repeat it?”
“My liege?”
Invictus sighed. Then he grabbed the pilot’s forearm and spat a ball of yellow mucus onto his wrist. The flesh sizzled, and the hand fell onto Mala’s chest, its fingers still wiggling.
While the pilot howled in agony, Invictus calmly said, “If you wish to live, give me your hand.”
“Yes . . . yes . . . ” the pilot managed to mumble. He reached down with his remaining hand, picked up the severed one, and gave it to Invictus.
“Very good,” Invictus said. “Now you are free to go.”
The pilot scrambled off the litter and ran, disappearing into the woods. Invictus could hear him emptying the contents of his stomach somewhere beyond the trees. He returned his attention to his prized servant.
“Everything’s going to be all right, my general. You saved my life. Now I’ll save yours.”
Invictus’ body glowed. In a slow and controlled fashion, the severed hand began to melt, dripping liquid globs of flesh, blood, and bone. Invictus held it over Mala, allowing the steamy goo to ooze into the Chain Man’s wounds.
“My most loyal servant deserves nothing but the best,” Invictus whispered tenderly.
Mala groaned, and his eyelids fluttered. Suddenly the ruined snow giant tore away the restraints that bound him to the litter and sat upright. Even in a seated position, he towered over Invictus.
“Where am I? What’s happening?”
“You are with me. I am healing you.”
Deep within Mala’s tortured subconscious, did Yama-Deva briefly emerge? The once-beautiful creature looked down at Invictus and seemed to recoil. Then tears sprang from his eyes.
Invictus didn’t care. “Tears of joy, my general? Yes, I have healed you. You and I have much to celebrate.”
The Chain Man smiled broadly, his blood-red fangs glistening in the sunlight, his black tongue stabbing the air like a serpent’s. “My king. You have not forsaken me. I feared you would be angry over my failure.”
“Angry? Never. I love you. You did your best, my pet. Rejoice! Your dreams will come true, I promise you.”
Mala stood shakily.
Invictus reached up and clasped one of the Chain Man’s fingers. Like a tiny father with a colossus for a son, they walked through the field toward their mounts. The Chain Man climbed aboard the Sampati, Invictus the dracool, and side by side they flew back to Avici.
Laylah’s Recovery
IN HER LONG life, Laylah had known a lot of pain. But nothing compared to this.
With methodical precision, a million tiny mouths devoured her body with thorny teeth. She felt as if she were being skinned alive, but it was her essence being peeled away, not her flesh.
The only thing that kept her sane was the man who held her close. Where his body touched hers, she experienced a semblance of relief. Through the hysteria of her agony, she could sense his strength providing just enough succor for her to survive one more moment.
And another . . . another . . . another . . .
Laylah’s back arched. White flames sprang from every pore, flaring inside the cramped chamber. She cried out. He screamed in response. She was hurting him, and she cursed herself. In such a short time, she had grown to love him. She wanted to give him pleasure, not pain. She tried to push him away, but her arms lacked the strength. He was strapped to her like a chain. For better or worse, they would endure this nightmare together.
In some ways her senses were
Lisa Scottoline, Francesca Serritella