The Loner

The Loner Read Free

Book: The Loner Read Free
Author: Geralyn Dawson
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical
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the more valuable," Logan observed, the lie spilling easily from his tongue.
    "Tunnel?" Gap Tooth asked. "What tunnel?"
    "The one Trace McBride had built to help protect the Bad Luck Treasure. He's an architect, you know. The man loves tunnels and secret passages. His home, Willow Hill, is full of them."
    "I don't believe him," declared the third gunman. "A tunnel? That's a crazy thing to believe."
    "I believe it." Fidgety scratched his chin. "I've heard talk about McBride. He's supposed to be pretty smart. A smart man would do everything possible to protect the Bad Luck Treasure. Wouldn't you think?" After a moment's pause for deliberation, he added, "I say we do it. The Bad Luck Treasure would make us all rich for life."
    Obviously unconvinced, Gap Tooth scratched below his left ear. Then abruptly, he aimed his gun at a bystander. "Do you know about a tunnel?"
    The man stuttered. "" Then, perhaps seeing his chance of escape pass by, he added, "I do know that McBride likes to build secrets into his designs. His children played with mine, and I know his house has secret staircases and rooms. It makes sense to me that he'd build something secret to help protect his assets."
    "Huh." Gap Tooth shifted his aim back toward Logan. "All right...what's your name?"
    "Grey. Logan Grey."
    "Wait a minute. I know you." The outlaw's eyes narrowed. "You're that range detective who works for the Waggoner Ranch out of Wichita Falls. The one they call Lucky. You kilt Two Dog Redmond. He owed me fifty dollars when he died, so I never got it."
    Well, hell. His reputation struck again. "I'll make sure you get an extra emerald from the Treasure to make up for it."
    Beady eyes narrowed even farther. "What sort of trick are you trying to pull? You're a range detective! A killer with a badge. This is a trap."
    "No, it's not," Logan said with a shake of his head. That Killer-With-A-Badge label chapped his ass. He worked as a private lawman in places and at times where there weren't enough public badges to go around. Yeah, he'd killed his share of men, but only when arresting them wasn't an option. "I don't work for the Waggoner Ranch anymore. I'm just trying to get myself and these other folk out of here alive. I'm not on the job, mister. I have no legal authority. Frankly, it's no skin off my nose if you rob this bank, but I don't like seeing people hurt unnecessarily. Let these folks go, and I'll take you to the treasure."
    The outlaw gave the medallion in his hand another long look. His boot tapped against the bank's green marble floor. "All right. Here's how we're gonna do it. First, you show me the escape route, then I'll let these good folk go."
    Hmm. Not exactly what Logan had been hoping for, but at least it gave him a chance. Motioning toward the offices at the back of the building, he said, "It's this way."
    "Wait," barked Gap Tooth. "You, there." He motioned with his gun toward the beauty who'd slipped Logan the weapon. "Pretty lady. C'mere."
    "No, thank you," she politely said, smoothing her plain black traveling skirt.
    The outlaw made a growling sound, then took three steps forward and grabbed her arm. He jerked her to him and put his gun to her head. He turned an evil smile toward Logan. "Make one wrong move and your lady pays."
    Well, hell. Logan didn't doubt for a minute that ole Gap Tooth meant what he said.
    His gaze swept over the female. Look at her with her chin lifted, her eyes flashing. Full of bravado. Couldn't help but admire a woman like that. "I won't make any wrong moves," he assured the outlaw.
    Every move he made would be exactly right.
    "Boys? Y'all keep everyone quiet here until I get back," Gap Tooth said to his cohorts. Then nodding toward Logan, he added, "Go on, then. Show me the tunnel."
    As Logan walked toward the back of the bank, he mentally reviewed what he'd seen during his brief visit earlier. It was a damn shame this wasn't the bank where Dair and his wife located the Bad Luck

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