Ozzie, and the others gathered around the fireplace armed with wooden sticks. “With the new landmark status, the town council has allocated funds for food, but a lot of our animals are just not eating,” Adriane said to Ronif the quiffle.
“ They are restless and homesick,” Storm said.
“And not everyone is used to cold weather,” Rasha added. “Most come from warmer climates.”
Emily ruffled Rasha’s head feathers. “Hopefully, you’ll all be back home soon.”
“Right back in the sorceress’s dungeon,” Kara grumbled.
Adriane’s eyes flashed. “That’s positive thinking, Barbie.”
Kara turned away, golden hair covering her face. “I believed in Johnny and got burned big time.”
Emily sighed. “That wasn’t your fault.”
“Dark fairy magic is very strong, especially from a trickster like the Skultum,” Rasha said.
“We were all fooled,” Adriane reminded her. “The thing had me under its spell, too.”
“Well, what do you think we should do?” Kara asked, suddenly aware of how much she hated feeling helpless and scared. “We can’t control our powers, we haven’t heard from the Fairimentals in weeks, and the Dark Sorceress could be in Avalon as we speak.”
“We don’t know that, Kara,” Emily said. “We stopped the Skultum and took the map back.”
The girls glanced at the glowing orb sitting on the reading table. Inside, a pattern of stars twinkled.
“We can’t just keep sitting around waiting,” Adriane stated. “What if the sorceress attacks Ravenswood?”
“DAhh!” Ozzie pulled a flaming stick out of the fire, waving it around his head.
“Careful, Ozzie!” Adriane exclaimed, covering her hair.
Ronif and Rasha weren’t faring much better, each losing their marshmallows to the hungry flames.
“You’re doing it wrong,” Kara said softly.
“Here. Give me that.” Kara took the wooden stick from Ozzie’s paw and speared a marshmallow. “You have to lightly brown the marshmallow without letting it burn. See?”
Kara held it over the flame, slowly twirling it until it was golden brown.
“Ooo. That’s very good.”
The animals all nodded in agreement.
“Then,” Kara continued, “you place it between two layers of chocolate. This way the chocolate covers both graham crackers.”
“She’s a genius!” Ronif exclaimed.
Emily and Adriane suppressed smiles.
The others, except for Storm and Lyra, followed suit. Soon Ozzie was happily covered in melted marshmallow fluff, chocolate, and crumbs.
Adriane picked up the paper Emily had brought in. The front page displayed a picture of Mrs. Beasley Windor and the town council. Windor was holding a landmark status certificate for Ravenswood. The headline read: RAVENSWOOD A ROARING SUCCESS. PUTS STONEHILL ON THE MAP.
Adriane snorted. “Look at this. Windor hated the idea of Ravenswood from the start, and now she is totally taking credit for our success!”
“That’s politics,” Emily said. “All things considered, we should be grateful. Why do you think we were able to get the funds for the winter supplies so fast? Windor personally approved the invoices!”
“Yeah, but I still don’t have to like it.” Adriane threw the paper down.
“Even with the supplies, what if we get more refugees from Aldenmor?” Balthazar, the pegasus, asked. “We can’t turn them away.”
Ronif waddled over, testing a marshmallow sandwich in his rubbery beak. “Even with the tours closed for the cold season, someone is bound to discover us.”
Ronif was right. Even on a preserve as big as Ravenswood, the mages could not hide all of the refugees forever. Although it seemed Mrs. Windor was on their side now, they all knew how quickly things could change.
Kara picked up the newspaper and regarded the picture. Yes, the girls had pulled off the concert and fooled the whole crowd into thinking that the magical battle they saw was all part of the show. But still, the evil shape-shifting Skultum pretending
Jesse Rev (FRW) Christopher; Jackson Mamie; Benson Till-Mobley