on sneakers on route to my black Chucks.
We thought alike.
She was obviously smart. But to be safe we should probably steer clear of the potential foot assassinators.
I didn’t get rides to school in the morning. I needed my feet working. “Let’s get away from the stampede of foot annihilator’s!” I yelled over the music to Jenna. She nodded in agreement and pulled me through the crowd, around the dance floor.
“Keep your eyes out for anyone we know, okay!” Jenna said, guiding me across the room. I searched the room, trying to pinpoint any familiar group we knew, but came with no such luck. I knew of the people that surrounded me, but not enough to stop and have a conversation.
The number of people that I actually spoke with at school was a small number, and I wasn’t sure if that was healthy anymore, considering the size of our class.
Jenna quickly pinpointed her fellow swim team members huddled in a corner near the refreshment table and quickly ushered us to them. I took in the entire room again, settling on the dance floor for a few seconds extra, mesmerized by the flailing arms and legs.
My first high school party….at seventeen. I broke the transfixed gaze, looking back at Jenna who was busy hugging her other friends and laughing loudly. Watching them exude excitement with one another made me feel numb all over. She had another life, one that didn’t involve me.
Where was I when all this happened?
Had I been asleep for the last three years?
My shoulder jerked wildly. “Snap out of it!” Jenna screeched next to my ear. Before I could give her a nasty scowl, she shoved a red plastic cup into my hands. I grasped it tightly to my chest, the red liquid inside sloshing dangerously close to the rim.
She took a sip out of her cup before ordering me to. “Drink!” She mouthed, barely audible over the music. I drank the red liquid and it slid down my throat, leaving a weird tangy aftertaste. I stuck out my tongue and a disgusted moan followed.
Jenna eyed her friends knowingly and they all burst out laughing. “What is that?” I yelled, holding the cup away as if it were poison.
“Special Punch!” Jenna laughed. She grabbed my arm and pushed it back to my body. “Drink more. You’ll feel more relaxed.”
Did she really go to parties without me? How? I tried remembering a time when I didn’t know what Jenna was up to during a weekend night. The last few months, there were a few blank spots I couldn’t remember knowing what she’d been up to.
“Anna!” Jenna screamed excitedly from behind, tapping my shoulder. “We’re going to dance, let’s go!”
Before heading towards the dance floor, they slammed the rest of their drinks back and dumped the empty cups into the trash. I’d never danced in public before and that scared me. “I’m still thirsty. I’m going to finish my drink. I’ll join you guys later!” I yelled over the music, holding my drink up, hoping she’d believe me.
“Finish your drink,” Jenna’s eyes narrowed, unconvinced. “And then get your ass on the dance floor. If I don’t see you in a few minutes, you’re shark bait!”
My eyes rolled at her tone. Bitch whatever!
“Yeah okay!” I assured her, reluctantly taking another sip of the punch.
What if I got drunk?
I’d never been drunk. Tonight wasn’t really the night I hoped to have that first, especially if James was going to show up with Donna.
Ugh! Donna and James. Why? How? I couldn’t believe I came, knowing that they were going to be here, probably up in each other’s arms kissing. Making loud grunt noises, dry humping as they danced, probably thinking they were the King and Queen of this party.
What the hell was I then?
The King’s mistress and the Court Jester?
My roles included keeping the King happy, however he saw fit. While alongside his main lady (Donna), my duty was to provide comedy for them while they basked in the pleasures of a feast with their closest allies.
Damn it! I knew