The Truth About James (Y.A Series Book 2)

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Book: The Truth About James (Y.A Series Book 2) Read Free
Author: Sarah Tork
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a few seconds before dropping them angrily. “You know what! Screw that! I will acknowledge what you just said. Anna, the body you talk about doesn’t exist anymore. You lost weight last summer. Accept that! There will be no more body parts moving without your say so. They do so only at your command. Can’t you see that now? Get to it girl!”
    “As always, your inspirational speeches on self discovery does wonders for my self esteem.” I cringed. “In perfect timing, as we are about to enter a party, with boys.”
    “And boys don’t like self doubting girls. They want confidence. They want swagger and attitude. And I agree, it is perfect timing. We need every ounce of courage before we enter that high voltage hormone filled party.” Jenna remarked, eyeing the house that already had a few of our fellow seniors staggering around on one foot.
    The night had already begun for some.
    “Hormone filled and extremely contagious?” I told her as we slowly walked towards the driveway.
    “There’s nothing I would want more!” Jenna grinned, moving her shoulders to the growing sounds of Hip Hop music. “It’s time to let loose and do as the senior class of Royal Heights High are doing right now. Getting drunk and getting crunk!”
    “God!” I hissed, embarrassed for her. “I can’t believe you said crunk. Who says crunk anymore?” 
    She laughed me off as we entered into official party territory. The driveway was long and wide. Our fellow party patrons filled bits in small groups, probably discussing the validity of tonight’s refreshments with how well they could walk a straight line. I’m guessing the more they stumbled, the more they believed the punch they poured into those red plastic cups earlier.
    “Is there like a spiked punch inside?” I yelled over the loud music as we walked around the groups. She cringed, jerking her head back.
    “Why are you screaming?” She yelled, caressing her violated ear. “I’m not deaf you know!”
    “I’ll yell at you all I want!” I told her back, matching the attitude. “The music’s so loud I didn’t think your messed up ears could hear me, you know with you being a swimmer and all. I’m sure you’ve got a hearing aid in your future!”
    “Bitch, you better take that back. How dare you mock a swimmer’s life. Do you even understand that kind of dedication?” Jenna said, clearly not angry by the twinkle in her eyes.
    I was kidding and she knew it. Like I’d ever mock the sport she loved seriously.
    I had the rest of my life to live.
    A few feet away from the entrance, I could already picture the house filled with loud and obnoxious kids our age. Throwing their bodies around as if it were an actual sport, to see who was the loudest, the baddest, the wildest, and the life of the party.
    None of which were me. Probably didn’t even have it in me to compete. Not at that level at least.
    We stood in-between the threshold and took in the massive room for a few seconds. The music was loud enough to break windows and it seemed like our entire class showed up tonight. Peter’s grand salon was dressed up like a night club, with dimmed lights and a huge crowd of dancers in the center, busting moves as if their lives depended on it.
    I didn’t see anyone not having fun. For the first time in my life, I was a part of the experience like everyone else was. I wasn’t trapped at home in my room gorging on chocolate all by myself, unlike everyone else.
    Jenna grabbed my arm. “Let’s do this!”
    She pulled me through the open doorway, throwing us into the senior frenzy, soup style. My jaw dropped at the massive amount of people that were really crammed inside.
    Girls in small dresses, boys in oversized sports jerseys, mixed in with the rest of us regular folk that were dressed in jeans and simple tops. The only difference was I wore sensible shoes as most of the other girls that surrounded the front were wearing high heels. I glanced down at Jenna’s sensible slide

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