on going somewhere or doing something. Do you remember when she turned the tables on one of the vulture press always trying to catch her in an embarrassing picture?”
“I could never forget that; she went for a walk with her detail, when the press followed her, she reached into her bag pulling out a camera. She turned around and started taking pictures of the reporters. She turned around and started walking towards them asking them question after question about their families, their private lives all while taking their picture. I understand her protective detail almost wet their pants.”
“The press gave her a little room after that. She sure had guts. She didn’t take crap from anyone.”
Rod’s eyes turn very sad, fluid starts to build in his eyes. He says, “Five years later one morning she just didn’t wake up. I couldn’t wake her. I felt her neck and knew. I dialed 911, when the EMT’s arrived they told me her heart had stopped while she was sleeping. She had passed away in her sleep, thank God she never felt a thing. It devastated me; I didn’t leave our house for a year. Ted, we were together for 45 years. My life isn’t the same. It never will be.”
Ted places his drink on the table. “Rod, I’m so sorry for your loss. Everyone who knew Sally misses her. She was a good woman, a special woman. I wish I could do something to take your pain away.”
“Ted, thank you. I have nightmares that I shortened her life because I became President. I feel that the stress we lived with every day for three years was more than she could handle. She never said anything; however, I knew she didn’t like being in the spotlight. She didn’t like the press following her everywhere. She didn’t like living in the White House. Ted, by becoming President, I killed her.”
“Rod, you shouldn’t have nightmares or second guess what happened. You led the country through the craziest of times. I think anyone else would have either stumbled into a major world war or sat in the office allowing the country to break into many parts. You led the nation through a period that could have terminated the American idea. You quickly converted our monetary policy to the gold standard; you rebuilt confidence in our dollar; you made us energy independent within 36 months. You increased the standard of living for the average American. Rod, you saved the country. You saved millions of lives. I’m so sorry about Sally. At least she never suffered. My dad lingered and suffered from cancer for two years. I don’t wish having to watch a loved one die a little every day on anyone. Rod, you can’t blame yourself.”
“Ted, think about all we don’t know about the LSA. I don’t think their lives improved much. In fact, I think their take home income has decreased.”
“Rod, twelve years later, we know less about our neighbor than we used to. When they built the wall and RF blocking electronic fence, they became totally internally focused. They surprised most of the world by turning completely inward.”
“Ted, I was the only President, who stood by and allowed the breakup of America. I was in office when Obsma and Reid split the country in two. That damn Obsma, a complete fraud, he caused the country and the world more problems than a world war. Even now, twelve years later, I wonder what would have happened if we had pushed for Obsma’s impeachment much earlier. What would have happened if our lawyer, what was his name? Hadn’t found Obsma’s hidden files. Twelve years has flown by much quicker than I thought possible. Twelve years that changed the world, I’m not sure it was for the better or worse. Ted, do you have any regrets?”
“I don’t, we did what