we had to do. I think we did a good job. I know we left the country better off than when we started. I say we because I look at my terms in office as an extension of yours.”
“Including what we did to the Secretary-General and President Puten? Or what we did to President Reid and Polsi?”
“Rod, we did what we had to do in order to save the country, to save the world. If you hadn’t given the orders you did, there would have been an all out invasion of America. Millions would have died. Our country would have been covered in the blood of our people. We would have ended up in a nuclear war with Russia. Rod, you saved hundreds of millions of lives.”
“Ted, if I hadn’t said so before, thank you for signing the secret Presidential clemency for any acts I may have committed while in office.”
“Rod, you’re welcome. I couldn’t be sure that one day the left wouldn’t have someone in the office who would have opened your files so they could go after you. Many on the left consider you the anti-Christ for forcing the impeachment of President Obsma. You published his background which brought down their savior.”
“Well, let's toast the old times. As Dickens’ wrote, ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.’”
The two clink their glasses together.
Ted sips his bourbon, “Mr. President; it was all of that and more. Looking back, I wonder how we made it, how the average citizen made it. I wonder how we’d lucked out and didn’t destroy the world.”
“Ted, don’t call me Mr. President; I held office for three years, thank God you were elected twice. You provided a steady hand when the country needed it the most. Did I tell you President Brownie reached out to me on Sally’s death?”
“It shows he has some class. Did he bring up any of the old issues? I’m surprised you took the call, considering how he went after you after the terrorist issue.”
“That was another decision that haunts me every day. I still have nightmares of that day. He kept the discussion to small talk and his condolences for Sally.”
“I really didn’t believe he would leave office after his one six-year term.”
“Neither did I. I never thought he or any progressive would willingly step down from power. He really surprised me. When he stepped down, I called him to wish him well. I told him I was proud of him for keeping his word.”
“Rod, what are your thoughts about the special program being produced by Wolf News Network and the Continuous News Network?”
“Ted, I found the entire concept very interesting. I can’t believe the two news networks agreed to work together, they couldn’t be further apart in their views, yet there they were sharing production staff and funding to produce the program. Both networks agreed to broadcast the very same program at the same time. Do you know I was invited to have a major part in the program? At first I refused it, I like to stay out of the public eye. Wolf News Network wouldn’t let it drop; they called, they even came to visit me at my house. I spent an entire day with the production staff to look at their goals. I questioned them for hours. I agreed to be a consultant and part-time host; I donated my pay to the Wounded Warrior charity.”
“Of course, I know about the program, when they kicked the program off, it’s all