The Scars of Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 14)

The Scars of Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 14) Read Free Page B

Book: The Scars of Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 14) Read Free
Author: Julia Mills
Tags: Witches, Dragons, Werewolves, shifters, Royalty
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her sleep when the shrapnel tore through his cheek and abraded his forehead, Olive sprang from her bed. The dove ran to the mirror to be sure her face was unblemished. That was when it hit her like a freight train bound for hell—torment, sorrow, and an all-encompassing blistering wrath.
    Her heart ceased to beat as the spark simultaneously extinguished in three sets of beautiful brown eyes. Her dove sought to escape the bounds of her mind and body, screeching alongside its mate, as Kellan’s dragon roared at the loss and injustice. It was too much to endure, completely inconceivable how a Universe who created and sustained so much beauty had let these three precious souls be taken long before their time. She now had intimate knowledge of the scars her dragon carried on his heart and soul. Scars so much more debilitating than the few that covered his face and those she now knew abraded his sides and back.
    “Olive, honey, you really need to drink this tea. It’s Calysta’s special healing blend. Also, put this bag of ice on your neck, those bruises are only getting darker.” Claire’s coaxing pulled the dove from her thoughts, unfortunately reminding her of how bad her neck really hurt.
    But it’s nothing compared to Kellan’s pain...
    She could see the concern on all six of her cousin’s faces and really wanted them to focus on something, anything , other than her. Olive had never been one to like the spotlight even if it was her family. Claire and her new mate, Rory, should be off honeymooning, not worrying about her or what was going on in the clan, but she could see from the looks on the couple’s face that wasn’t happening any time soon.
    “Yeah, they really are. Why aren’t you healing?” Delilah, the hawk shifter among them with a heart of gold and the ability to worry too much about everything, asked with a furrowed brow .
    “Just tired, I guess,” Olive smiled, trying to hide from her family how close to death she’d really come at the hands of her own mate.
    But it wasn’t his fault. Wish he was here so I could tell him so...
    “I could heal you,” Claire, a phoenix shifter and leader of their clan, offered.
    “She’s getting really quick with those tears,” Claire’s mate and Kellan’s best friend, Rory, chuckled. “She tried to heal my papercut yesterday.” His cheeky grin and light-hearted snicker made everyone laugh and thankfully, relieved some of the tension in the room.
    Olive smiled. Rory was a good guy, a big goofball, but a good guy nonetheless. Not to mention, super considerate to try to make them feel better when she could see the toll his concern for his best friend was taking on the Guardsman.
    “Stop fussing, y’all. I’ll be fine. I’m gonna drink this tea and then we can get outta here. I’m sure Kellan doesn’t want to come home to find us all hanging out.”
    If he comes home...
    She smiled but knew even before she looked at her cousins that it was half-hearted at best and they weren’t buying a bit of it. Quickly changing the subject, she asked, “How did you guys know what was happening?”
    Tapping her forehead, Ettie answered, “Lady, you blew your blocks. Woke me up screaming in your head.”
    “I thought you were hurt.” Gabby blew her thick black bangs out of her eyes and slumped back in the biggest La-Z-Boy Olive had ever seen.
    Cause my dragon is a big man...
    Tilly and Karleigh giggled so hard, the dove prepared herself for their answer and could only shake her head as they explained. “Well...” Karleigh teased and batted her eyes.
    “We might’ve been sneaking around the training pit...” Tilly added, at least having the decency to look a little embarrassed.
    “Oh, you big prude.” Karleigh swatted at Tilly’s arm. “I’ll tell them.” Looking around the room, she winked at Olive before finishing. “We were trying to see those dragon boys all sweaty and shirtless.”
    The room erupted in laughter. Leave it to a falcon and an osprey to

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