The Scars of Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 14)

The Scars of Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 14) Read Free Page A

Book: The Scars of Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 14) Read Free
Author: Julia Mills
Tags: Witches, Dragons, Werewolves, shifters, Royalty
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than he could count slapped at his arms. Thin, sharp nails tore at the skin of his fingers as he fought against his and his dragon’s instinct and tried to let go.
    More female voices cut through his frenzy. The desert faded to black. Kellan struggled to open his eyes. Shouts of sheer terror tore away at the haze of his mind.
    “Dammit, you big oaf, let go!” a low gravelly voice yelled before a small hand smacked him in the side of the head.
    “Let go of her!” an obviously female voice shrieked. 
    “Wake the hell up, asshole!” a deep, husky voice growled just as a fist much smaller than any of his brethren’s punched him in the gut.
    Why did Rory let the villagers out of the bunker?
    As if hearing his question, Rory’s voice boomed through his mind, “Wake the hell up, Kell! You’re killing Olive!”
    Kellan’s eyes flew open. His fingers released their grip as if they were spring-loaded. He scrambled up and over the back of the couch, horror and regret filling his entire being as he saw the deep purple bruises already forming on Olive’s beautiful neck and the fear in her eyes.
    Throwing his hands out in front of himself as he backed away, unable to speak and shaking his head so quickly he was dizzy, Kellan stumbled as his back touched the cool glass of the patio doors.
    Reaching behind him, unable to break eye contact with the gorgeous dove, he slid open the door with such force it bounced on its tracks just as he spun on his heels and ran barefooted and bare-chested into the darkness. Racing across the countryside, Kellan fell farther and farther into despair as Olive’s feeling of fright and confusion flooded their newly formed mating bond. Her thoughts were chaotic. She didn’t want to be scared. Was fighting hard to push it all aside. Was working with all her might to convince herself as well as her cousins that he hadn’t meant to hurt her.
    I hurt her. I caused the one person I was meant to protect, no matter what, pain by my own hand. I couldn’t save those girls and I can’t save her...from myself...
    Tearing through the darkness, racing towards the sea, Kellan quickly erected his mental blocks. With everyone and everything, including his brethren, locked out of his mind, the Guardsman ran as fast as he could, not caring where he was going or if he ever returned. All that mattered was never again hurting the one the Universe made for him.
    I’ll die before I leave another mark on her silken skin...

Chapter Two
    O live felt hollow inside. There was a gaping hole where Kellan had been...and should still be. He’d severed their connection. Made himself unreachable. She knew their mating bond still existed. Could see it and feel it shining bright in her heart and soul. But her dragon had blocked himself from it...and more importantly, from her.
    When his screams of terror had cut through her dreams earlier that night, she’d tried to use their bond to calm him, but nothing she tried worked. He was lost to his demons. His heart was pounding faster and faster. Olive could feel his beast pushing to be free, to fight the fight the man was losing. Pouring all the light and calm into his dark terror that she had, the little dove spoke to her mate, pleaded with him to wake, but the hold the past had on him was too tight. He was lost.
    His dreams became hers. She felt before she saw the bullet rip through his leg. It was so real her skin burned from the silver. Her muscles felt shredded, while in her mind’s eye, the dove could actually visualize the poison as it raced to her heart and other vital organs. Watching Kellan stay on his feet, run for his life, and carry those girls while trying with all his might to save them, was nothing short of miraculous. His determination was a living, breathing entity within their shared fantasy. He was the strongest man she’d ever known.  
    Olive’s heart filled with joy right along with Kellan’s when she was sure both he and the children were safe. Gasping in

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